Jul 11, 2006 15:49
Ongoing fight between myself and a friend
why is he "my son" only when he misbehaves?
Office mystery
who drinks all my coffee?
newest nickname
Newest endeavor
teaching the guinea pig to fold laundry
my wall calendar is not stiff enough to keep from flopping over.
hi, uncertainty.
when you make food with the intention of there being leftovers, you don't want leftovers the next day.
no matter how much people complain about our job and threaten to leave, they never do.
there's a rubber bat taped to my computer monitor at work
i have six bruises and one abrasion
Most recently learned knowledge
Eddie Murphy was on Saturday Night Live at age 19.
Most recently learned dance move
The Get The Hell Outta The Way
me: i almost went to Washington College. turned it down because it didn't have enough trees.
girl at work: this is you, "i have a $40,000 scholarship and honors English residency, but you need to provide shade for my pale self before i'll hang out with you."
Picture Description
girl sitting in a wheat field, back towards the viewer, prominent left foreground. she's looking at an old farm house and matching barn a little ways off in the distance. Andrew Wyeth is a genius.
thanks, Pattu.
blue skies