May 20, 2004 10:35
I´m in Spain. Just updating right quick cos I have a little extra time on my counter thing. I´m kinda sorta jet lagged, but not really. They´re 7 hours ahead of CST.
It´s kinda cool cos when I typed into the browser, I was automatically sent to the Spanish site. But yeah... It´s really great here cos food is cheap. FATTIE! For the equivalent of 12ish dollars I got red snapper, potatoes, salad AND a glass of wine. This is the only place where wine is $2 and a glass of Coke $5. Great. I freakin love it!
Ummm, not much to say. I sent an email out with today´s itinerary on it. Going to a musuem at Picasso´s birthplace, some Roman ruins, a Medieval Moorish castle...good times. Buenos tiempos...rofl. Yeah. I´m a dork.
Oh, Stephen and Jason...I didn´t take my shoes off on the plane but my profesora´s feet got really swollen on the plane. She was complaining about her who knows?
Hope everyone is doing well! I think I´m gonna get off this mafaka now. Photos will be posted as soon as I have tiempo. (yeah, dork once again)
Hot damn, I´m hungry.