Jul 05, 2009 06:49
... but so little will to do anything about it.
i'm finding that i have a lot of things to say, and they are all significant enough (to me) to deserve their own post. deciding on which topic to write about first is hard enough, but even when i finally do... i hit writer's block. every time. without fail. big time.
prior to this post, i've already discarded 5 drafts on 5 different topics... and was going to post about a sixth, when i once again hit the block. i literally sat here for a good hour and a half trying to find the words i need to use, with the blank post page staring back at me. laughing. daring me to actually type something. the wrong thing. mocking my inability to verbalize my thoughts. blargh.
dammit LJ, i thought you were supposed to be my friend. my confidant. my muse.
blarg. i'm trying very hard to resist just scrapping this post too.
o well. new userpic for now, a *real* post to come soon, hopefully.