long comments ftw. (I needed someone to talk to about this!)jrockisgoodJuly 20 2007, 03:58:56 UTC
MAN YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MANY ASIANS WE'RE TALKIN BOUT HERE I'm talkin bout > 50% at my school (and > 75% in my classes which, yes, are Honors classes D:) It's only like that at my school though- not my whole city. It's more like 20-30% Asian everywhere else.
Hahhaha well I'm eternally sad that there aren't any Japanese boys here, just Chinese :(! Lesse I guess I would sayyy SE Bay.
HAHH yeah I hear that too. It all depends on what type of exotic you're talking about. To me (and this probably makes me sound bad), it seems like there are roughly three types of Asian girls. The uncool quiet unsocial pale girls, the short cute fobby orangebrown-haired skinny ones whom countless pedophiles hit on, and the big boobed normal/heavier blonde haired whores who wear tons and tons of makeup. Harsh sterotypes, huh. =o Sorry! haha. (btw I guess I don't quite fit into any of those hmmmm.)
I've heard that one too, there's always 2 sides of it though. Evolutionarily speaking or whatever mixed races appear to be prettiest because they're the most diverse. The majority of people do prefer their own race though because of the sameness factor or whatever it's called. Also... about the Asian vs. White thing. Whites are evolutionarily better off because they have more sunken eyes and taller noses which protect your eyes, folded eyes which make them "bigger" so more useful..??idk, naturally more defined muscles, taller, more defined cheekbones. I actually read something about bigger boobs and lighter hair are more attractive in females because then it's easier to tell how young the female is. Blondes gray & big boobs sag. (haha!)
Yeah, um. I went to your journal and you're very interesting :) I'm just gonna "tag" your entries so I'll get notified when you update. Cause I have 2 livejournals 1 for my solely school friends & 1 for my "fandom" needs (this one) so I pretty much talk about Dir en grey ALL THE TIME here. lol my friends only entry says it all: "Dir en grey, X Japan, and Gazette fans only PRZ."
HURRAH for being agnostic & liberal, yay for psychology. Huhhhhmm I used to adore reading but now I hate it, and I used to like classical music too but it annoys me now and I appreciate screamo:D! and heavy rock more.
Re: long comments ftw. (I needed someone to talk to about this!)lilbrattyteenJuly 20 2007, 04:24:13 UTC
Wow that is a LOT of Asian kids at your school. I am SO JEALOUS. I guess though if I was going there then I would feel awkward what with being a white kid and all. Ok, I'll open up: I live in Los Altos. It's a preppy rich white kid community, an aspect of it which I can't stand. So if I may ask, what city do you live in?
My school has mainly Chinese and Taiwanese as well. It's pretty cool to see people around speaking Mandarin and Cantonese. Continuing on the "exotic" discussion, I actually find it a major turnon (in a nonsexual way) to see women speaking an Asian language. ABCs are not as hot as Asian chicks who are actualy foreign-born. This is a gut reaction so I can't really explain WHY. I know it sounds stupid.
Whites? Evoultionarily better? Absurd! What if a white got stuck in a sandstorm? We'd get our eyes pulverized while you Asians would have well-protected eyes. Also, since Asian women are hotter, they're better off since the men will want to mate with them more. Duh. Of course, I don't like to think in those terms anyway since I'm ugly which theoretically means that I will mate less frequently. And so far in my life, that's been true, although that is due more to a menagerie of emotional issues surrounding the subject than anything else.
Big boobs and blonde hair are SO overrated. I look at faces much more and that's what infatuates me. my favorite hair color is a dark sable brown, which a lot of Asians have naturally and I find maddeningly infatuating. And I have too many older female relatives who had large, round breasts when they were young and now they just have back problems and hate lugging those things around. They're just impractical as hell.
Me? Interesting? Well thanks. You can friend me on your other journal, that would be okay with me. We probably live so damn close that I might as well go to your school. X.X
THANK GOD for agnostics and liberals. Religious conservatives bug me, I used to live in a place with loads of them and I was so sick of hearing their hypocritical diatribes about Jesus and his love for me......
Re: long comments ftw. (I needed someone to talk to about this!)jrockisgoodJuly 20 2007, 05:25:16 UTC
It's the fob thing *nods knowingly* hah jkay For me it's hilarious when people speak Mandarin here because what's the point? We can all speak and understand both English and Mandarin! so I don't get it. Unless you felt like trash talking non-Chinese people at the moment?? K.... lol.
Sandstorm? hahahah OKAY we'll go with that. Since there're sandstorms in the Mojave mhmm.
My favorite hair color for girls is the people with white dad + asian mom. It's brown and ohso pretttttty :) I'd seriously rather have big boobs or NO boobs, rather than small ones. I mean you still have to wear a bra; why not have big ones that make your stomach look flatter!
*Looks at your frequent, smart sounding, purposeful entries* *Glances at my nonexistant, immature, random entries* *Giggles* There's still a problem though, I never go on that journal because everyone's deserted me and use Myspace now. Ah whattheheck. *friends* (Oh and btw I mentioned my city in my most recent post, I thinkk.)
Yeah I KNOW everyone here's all trying to convert those of us that are left. KEPT on asking us to go to this Christian Youth Group thing once a week with the excuse that "Well you don't HAVE to be Christian to go to these things (*cough*wellwiththeexceptionthatwetalkabouthowGodhealsusandhowhe'sawesomeandwhyweprayandlovehimsomuch*cough*)!:DDD"
Re: long comments ftw. (I needed someone to talk to about this!)lilbrattyteenJuly 20 2007, 06:14:54 UTC
Mandarin is SO sexy. If I ever become degenerate enough to call a phonesex hotline I will totally call a Chinese one. You don't have to know the WORDS; if they talk in the right tone of voice and moan enough, you'll still be turned on! I am guessing that. I have found that flirting with women whose English is terrible is actually quite easy - if you use the right tone of voice then they'll know what your double meaning is.
Hey, there COULD be sandstorms! It's remotely possible! Didn't say it was LIKELY.
Really? I never noticed that half-Asians look much different. I have a few friends who are, and now I have to look at them more closely. I actually have a friend who is Japanese, Irish, French, and a few other things. You can tell that she is Asian but she definitely has some features that don't look Asian at all, like her sharp pointy chin.
Friends don't let friends do myspace. Shame on them. Everyone knows that LJ is for cool people. Why not go find friends from other places? I have a very awesome group of friends from all over (though most of them are in the USA, and many of them are in California). But my journal is a reflection of the way my mind works (well, except for that "purposeful" crap).
Wow, your city is so far...I only go there to get on BART to see my grandma. But wow, that would be so cool to get together with an LJ friend! Possibly sometime in the distant future, 'tis possible. Oh, how it would scare my mom shitless......
Of course you don't have to be Christian to go. That's why they WANT you to go - more recruits! I've gone before and been okay with it but there are some denominations I will stay away from entirely.
Uhhhh I wonder how long this convo will last haha, once I had a 150+ comment convo with an lj friendjrockisgoodJuly 20 2007, 21:07:57 UTC
lol.. um. Just stick with watching Channel 8 KTSF instead kthx. (YEAH ASIAN CHANNEL!) Xcept every time I turn it on it's some old monk in orange and pink preaching about God and spiritual stuff. ..but he can still turn you on right YAY (Hey I checked and he's on right now =o)
Mixed people are really pretty, period. That's all I gotta say on that subj.
Myspace creeps me out. But it's fun for looking at pretty people ;)! It's crazy how many people post public photos.
Where is Los Altos anyhow. Ohhh I see. (Dude I didn't know "South San Francisco" was a whole CITY whoops)
Re: Uhhhh I wonder how long this convo will last haha, once I had a 150+ comment convo with an lj frlilbrattyteenJuly 26 2007, 04:36:14 UTC
150+ comments? That would be pretty inconsiderate considering that we are in a public community and don't want to clog up their pages. Couldn't you just chat with them or email????
If you think myspace is fun for looking at pretty people, you should see flickr and deviantart and sexybabes.com. JK about that last one....lolcat Wierd Fremont person. Shame on you.
Hahhaha well I'm eternally sad that there aren't any Japanese boys here, just Chinese :(!
Lesse I guess I would sayyy SE Bay.
HAHH yeah I hear that too. It all depends on what type of exotic you're talking about. To me (and this probably makes me sound bad), it seems like there are roughly three types of Asian girls. The uncool quiet unsocial pale girls, the short cute fobby orangebrown-haired skinny ones whom countless pedophiles hit on, and the big boobed normal/heavier blonde haired whores who wear tons and tons of makeup. Harsh sterotypes, huh. =o Sorry! haha.
(btw I guess I don't quite fit into any of those hmmmm.)
I've heard that one too, there's always 2 sides of it though. Evolutionarily speaking or whatever mixed races appear to be prettiest because they're the most diverse. The majority of people do prefer their own race though because of the sameness factor or whatever it's called.
Also... about the Asian vs. White thing. Whites are evolutionarily better off because they have more sunken eyes and taller noses which protect your eyes, folded eyes which make them "bigger" so more useful..??idk, naturally more defined muscles, taller, more defined cheekbones.
I actually read something about bigger boobs and lighter hair are more attractive in females because then it's easier to tell how young the female is. Blondes gray & big boobs sag. (haha!)
Yeah, um. I went to your journal and you're very interesting :) I'm just gonna "tag" your entries so I'll get notified when you update. Cause I have 2 livejournals 1 for my solely school friends & 1 for my "fandom" needs (this one) so I pretty much talk about Dir en grey ALL THE TIME here. lol my friends only entry says it all: "Dir en grey, X Japan, and Gazette fans only PRZ."
HURRAH for being agnostic & liberal, yay for psychology. Huhhhhmm I used to adore reading but now I hate it, and I used to like classical music too but it annoys me now and I appreciate screamo:D! and heavy rock more.
Ok, I'll open up: I live in Los Altos. It's a preppy rich white kid community, an aspect of it which I can't stand. So if I may ask, what city do you live in?
My school has mainly Chinese and Taiwanese as well. It's pretty cool to see people around speaking Mandarin and Cantonese. Continuing on the "exotic" discussion, I actually find it a major turnon (in a nonsexual way) to see women speaking an Asian language. ABCs are not as hot as Asian chicks who are actualy foreign-born. This is a gut reaction so I can't really explain WHY. I know it sounds stupid.
Whites? Evoultionarily better? Absurd! What if a white got stuck in a sandstorm? We'd get our eyes pulverized while you Asians would have well-protected eyes. Also, since Asian women are hotter, they're better off since the men will want to mate with them more. Duh. Of course, I don't like to think in those terms anyway since I'm ugly which theoretically means that I will mate less frequently. And so far in my life, that's been true, although that is due more to a menagerie of emotional issues surrounding the subject than anything else.
Big boobs and blonde hair are SO overrated. I look at faces much more and that's what infatuates me. my favorite hair color is a dark sable brown, which a lot of Asians have naturally and I find maddeningly infatuating. And I have too many older female relatives who had large, round breasts when they were young and now they just have back problems and hate lugging those things around. They're just impractical as hell.
Me? Interesting? Well thanks. You can friend me on your other journal, that would be okay with me. We probably live so damn close that I might as well go to your school. X.X
THANK GOD for agnostics and liberals. Religious conservatives bug me, I used to live in a place with loads of them and I was so sick of hearing their hypocritical diatribes about Jesus and his love for me......
For me it's hilarious when people speak Mandarin here because what's the point? We can all speak and understand both English and Mandarin! so I don't get it. Unless you felt like trash talking non-Chinese people at the moment?? K.... lol.
Sandstorm? hahahah OKAY we'll go with that. Since there're sandstorms in the Mojave mhmm.
My favorite hair color for girls is the people with white dad + asian mom. It's brown and ohso pretttttty :)
I'd seriously rather have big boobs or NO boobs, rather than small ones. I mean you still have to wear a bra; why not have big ones that make your stomach look flatter!
*Looks at your frequent, smart sounding, purposeful entries* *Glances at my nonexistant, immature, random entries* *Giggles*
There's still a problem though, I never go on that journal because everyone's deserted me and use Myspace now. Ah whattheheck. *friends*
(Oh and btw I mentioned my city in my most recent post, I thinkk.)
Yeah I KNOW everyone here's all trying to convert those of us that are left. KEPT on asking us to go to this Christian Youth Group thing once a week with the excuse that "Well you don't HAVE to be Christian to go to these things (*cough*wellwiththeexceptionthatwetalkabouthowGodhealsusandhowhe'sawesomeandwhyweprayandlovehimsomuch*cough*)!:DDD"
I am guessing that. I have found that flirting with women whose English is terrible is actually quite easy - if you use the right tone of voice then they'll know what your double meaning is.
Hey, there COULD be sandstorms! It's remotely possible! Didn't say it was LIKELY.
Really? I never noticed that half-Asians look much different. I have a few friends who are, and now I have to look at them more closely.
I actually have a friend who is Japanese, Irish, French, and a few other things. You can tell that she is Asian but she definitely has some features that don't look Asian at all, like her sharp pointy chin.
Friends don't let friends do myspace. Shame on them. Everyone knows that LJ is for cool people. Why not go find friends from other places? I have a very awesome group of friends from all over (though most of them are in the USA, and many of them are in California). But my journal is a reflection of the way my mind works (well, except for that "purposeful" crap).
Wow, your city is so far...I only go there to get on BART to see my grandma. But wow, that would be so cool to get together with an LJ friend! Possibly sometime in the distant future, 'tis possible. Oh, how it would scare my mom shitless......
Of course you don't have to be Christian to go. That's why they WANT you to go - more recruits! I've gone before and been okay with it but there are some denominations I will stay away from entirely.
Mixed people are really pretty, period. That's all I gotta say on that subj.
Myspace creeps me out. But it's fun for looking at pretty people ;)! It's crazy how many people post public photos.
Where is Los Altos anyhow. Ohhh I see. (Dude I didn't know "South San Francisco" was a whole CITY whoops)
If you think myspace is fun for looking at pretty people, you should see flickr and deviantart and sexybabes.com.
JK about that last one....lolcat
Wierd Fremont person. Shame on you.
Deviantart? What do they have on there. I've only gone there for like, photographs of bands at concerts lol.
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