Everyday we choose, one way or another, whether to suffer, or to prosper.
Not much is asked of me, but I find it hard to go on at certain times. I think the winter months are getting to me and my lack of expression is making me take my frustrations out o my physical appearance. I think I find myself to be a lot more wretched than I ever will be or ever have been. I am very hard on myself and chase happiness away where it could be easily found.I keep focusing on the negatives of my environment and the people in it.
I often find myself very easily irritated with others. I have found myself hating the reality of being around people all weekend. I fear their thoughts of me and it inhibits my very functioning as a person. I often feel trapped and penniless although neither sentiments are true. I often feel powerless even though, at this point in my life, I am most likely at my most powerful.
I hate research and group projects, but am currently faced with both for my schooling. It's a rather damp experience, but I'd rather think it damp than complete crushing to my own personal will and abilities.
My life is all about my mindset and how I think of things. How I think is very important. For how a man thinketh makes him so; is what I've been told. I've definitely been coming to believe it.
So everyday, I am going to think myself powerful and ahead of the game. A classy queen amongst nobles and peasants. I rather like that thought very much. Now all I'd like is a fellow to play with.