Aug 19, 2007 02:23
its been almost 3 weeks of living in an empty house....i wonder when she will come back.
Its weird to see who was in your friend circle a year ago til now.
its completely filled with different people.
they have all left for here alone.
I didnt think I would be this effected with people leaving. its only been one day and i feel completely bored out of my mind.
the girl i liked left as well, and i didnt get to say goodbye to her....i suck at life.
so heres a good story....i finished my financial aid paperwork 4 months before the school year starts...and they have me sign a sheet saying that I agree to pay for whatever financial aide doesnt cover. also stating that my payment for classes would be deferred til i got my financial aide check during the semester. I got a letter on thursday stating that all 23 credit hours I signed up for have all been dropped. I go in and tell them that they fucked up and the only thing they can say to me is "im sorry but we have no proof that you signed the deferment sheet, and you will have to reregister for your classes. the problem is most of your classes are probably full" AWESOME. now i have to reregister with shitty ass teachers at shitty ass times, and most likely fit in all my transfer requirements...lame as bawlz.
anyway, im setting my goals high this year, because I am trying to apply to the business college at U of I. although I am still looking at other schools, I have a hard time figuring out what school is actually good for business rather than them just fluffing themselves up.
alright im done. time for bed.