Apr 14, 2006 00:17
so i didn't get the job at yessian.
they said that i was too creative for the archiving position. they DO, however, want to hire me on as assistant engineer at their royal oak location, which they just recently opened up, so they're not generating enough income there yet. when they do (estimated time: sicks months), they're going to give me a call. until then, however, i'm still flipping burgers at the cass.
and godDAMN, i'm flipping a lot of burgers. i'm in the middle of a ten day long work binge at the moment. being that i had to take two additional days off of work for the internship at yessian, my income dropped considerably. FORTUNATELY, i had some dough stashed away. UNFORTUNATELY, i blew through that fairly quick to make up for the lacking in my paychecks from the cass. now that the internship period is over, i can work as much as i used to before i did the internship. i decided i would kick this off by working as much as i could before my brother's wedding. it's working out just fine thus far.
a kid whom i don't like just walked up to me and asked me if i was in the electronic music ensemble this semester. i said no, promptly, and gave him a cold brown shoulder.
well, one housemate is moving out on the 20th of this month, and another one closer to the end of the month. this means that we need to find AT LEAST two roommates before the end of the month is over. if anyone knows of anyone looking to share a four-bedroom two-bath house right on the edge of woodbridge, and willing to pay one-quarter of the utilities and at most 255 gil, please direct them in either myself or michael woo's direction.
other than that, life is good, especially since i got paid to-day.