Election day reflections:

Nov 04, 2008 10:20

"That date, along with the slogan think BLUE, is etched into a blue wristband that I've worn for what seems like forever. I've "thunk blue" every day---morning, noon and night---for the last eight years. Before this day is over, I may finally get my wish (after which I fully expect to temporarily lose my voice)."
-DailyKos poster Bill in Portland Maine-

So today's the day, even though I voted early. Heading to do some poll watching for the dems in just under an hour (in addition to getting my free cup of coffee from Starbucks, even if they are horrid corporate shills). Then I have class at 3. Then home to either party or start packing my bags for a foreign land.

I may not have Bill's wristband, but I've been thinking Blue for the past eight years (if not a few extra, thanks to growing up in a house with politics in the floorboards) too and it's high time.

To my left of centre to outright far left friends who still can't bring themselves to go in Obama's direction I want to say that I hope your chosen candidate loses. I'll temper that by saying that I admire true support even for lost causes so thanks for being nuts (as termed by my world view). My intense dislike of 21st Century Ralph Nader aside I should give shout outs to folks like McKinney and Brian Moore - who actually represent an ideology. I would have been sorely tempted to vote libertarian had Mike Gravel gotten their nomination - of course he never would have as left libertarians have almost no place in the American Libertarian Party.

But I'm voting for Obama happily and with a clean conscience - voted, rather. And I'm cautiously optimistic for a moderate to big win. Any dem majority in the senate less than 56/57 seats will be a dissapointment. I have no clue about the House, but knock on wood we'll do well there too.

So here we are. Fun times folks. Fun times.
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