(no subject)

Jun 21, 2006 18:53

Finally school year ends and I'll have more time for myself ^^
Actually I was trying to find some job for a weekend but nobody contacted me yet. If they don't call me then I won't get any money and that counts for me the most. I won't go to work for pleasure XDDD so please, please mr manager, call me and tell me where I'm suppose to come ^^
It's so hot here I'm literally melting >.< The worst thing is when I have to come back home by a bus >.< And even worse is that in bus the windows can't be opened XDDD today I felt like roast chicken XDDDD but I went to hairdresser and got my hair dyed again. I'm going to be bald soon XDDD joke, I think it won't be that bad ^^ In fact my hair got used to dying and it's condition is quite well. It doesn't fall out anymore ^^ That's a good point ^^
Ok, I don't have too much time so I'm going to end here ^^
bye bye ^^
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