(no subject)

May 01, 2005 02:52

I went to torun today with my mom ^^ She got cash, I got few thing to buy XDD I found cute yellow-red socks with monkey and separated fingers XD I don't know how to explain it. But they're absolutely adorable *.* Besides I dragged mom to troll and bought those earrings with dices! I love them <3
When we got bored we went to Geant and there was so f**king handsome hairdresser. I just kept staring at him like an idiot for about 5 minutes XD couldn't help ^^' he was too beautiful to not to look.
Anyway, it's 1st May already and I can't wait to go to France ^^ yay, 12 days left!!!

It't almost 3 am, so forgive me all the mistakes XDD
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