oh phone photos

Jun 06, 2007 23:01

On the Subway you will basically read anything that is put in front of you. Even PSAs from the MTA. This ad is by far my favorite. I started calling the MTA the Metropolitan Run-on Sentence Authority.

One time when I was quite drunk, Jake and I threw a little Taco Bell trash onto the tracks, and some woman called us yuppies. Bourgeois sure, yuppie, no. Anyway, we had a good laugh. Now I am concerned about the possibility of fires and late trains. Way to ruin some steak taquitos.

This is my new Terry Prism. OMG I love it.

It's probably the tiniest road bike of all time. Rocky's coworker had built it up for his DAUGHTER, but we made everything (NO everything..okay not tires) white. Now it looks like true love.

Rock and I made my parents take us to BJ's for lunch, just so we could sample the beers. Verdict: Not bad. 10 Bonus Points to anyone can tell me what holiday this was on from the picture and spot the cock ring! Okay, Go!

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