Apr 04, 2007 20:53
It would hard for me to make a completely encompassing list of things I hate about New York City, but pretty far up would be the weather. It's 40 degrees here all day, cloudy, windy, and rainy. My brand new umbrella, a present (I guess) from Rocky, blew out like 10 times, eventually breaking and slicing up my finger. It just absolutely ruins my mood. I wanted to yell, and scream, and curse, and punch all day. Or, I just wanted to run into someone friendly.
Weather.com says the average in throughout April is in the mid-60s. That's not warm enough. All I want is sunny, warm days. Not sunny for awhile only. Not warm only in the sun. Hot all over. Shorts and skirts. Winter here is too long. It's freezing cold for days on end. I hate wearing pants. I hate wearing socks. I don't wear wool. This place is not for me.
You could say I'm just being a baby about the weather, but it affects my mood so greatly. It robs me of my modest desire to go outside, to get dressed, to look good, to do things in this city.
I just hate this year.