"you're just not good enough"

Jun 03, 2008 14:22

anyone else ever get that look from their parent?

ugh! I was supposed to take 3 certification exams today for my web design class, meaning I would have had to take 4 tests TOTAL today for that class.. which would have been rough considering the teacher left early AND I didn't know the material. It sucked pretty bad.

But I came home and was showing my diploma to my mom for that class & she was like, "Where's your certifications?" and I calmly explained to her that I didn't know the material, or have the money for the tests & she just looked at me like she hated me.

It's not MY fault that there was no material to study, or that she forgot to give me the money for it. I didn't want them anyway because there's no sense in me having them except to put on my college applications because I DON'T want to be a web designer anymore. I used to LOVE the stuff, and now I just can't stand it.

Whatever though. I'm going to go lay down and call my fiance. Hopefully he'll answer & calm me down. I'm pretty upset over this. She can't just be happy. I made a freaking 81 in the class, and brought home a diploma! UGH!
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