Another survey

Feb 24, 2006 03:43


the boring questions...

ok so whats your name?: Ashlee
how old are you?: 17
your home town..?: Cranston
where you live right now?: Cranston
who do you live with?: mom and brother
how many friends do you have?: a few

have you ever...

wanted to die: yes
made smores: yep
cheated on a test: of course
wished upon a star: yes
prank called: of course
used up 10 bottles of silly string: yeahno
cried in front of your crush or boyfrined/girlfrined: no..well sorta..kinda
missed someone so much your heart hurt: yes..
beaten someone up: no
have been beaten up: no
not gone to the bathroom for longer than a week: uh no
won an award: yeah
kissed someone in the rain: no
kissed somone in the snow: no
kissed someone while playing truth or dare, 7 minutes in heaven, etc.: yeah
been hit my lightning: nope
almost drowned: god no...never
bought a lava lamp: i have 2 and they are *AWESOME*

your love life...

are you single, in a relationship, married etc: obvi. i'm single
are you straight, bi, homosexual etc.: bi
if your taken, what is their name?:
if you're single do you have someone in mind?: no
who?: no one
are you IN love: nope
have you ever been in love: no
do you love someone: no
how far have you gone, first, second, third, home plate: hmm..

random questions...

so how is this quiz so far?: it's
honestly: yeah its uh... cool
that bad.. really?:'s
aw, i knew you liked it..: well i thought you were beginning not to believe me
so, do you own a cell phone?: yeah a motorola
an iPod: nope too poor
do you have AIM or any other instant messenger?: aim and yahoo
if so, whats your screen name?: Aim: TakerEvolution13 YAHOO: ashlee_callaway
do you have a myspace?: who doesn't?
livejournal?: obvi.
xanga?: no
any of those other journal things?: nope
whats your favorite restraunt?: olive garden? idk i <3 their breadsticks
favorite food?: chinese food
favorite drink: soda
how many closets do you have in your room?: 1
how about in your house?: uh..3?
is your phone ringing right now?:'s 3:34 am if someone was calling..that'd be interesting
mine is...: oh my word..
but im not picking it up.: good for you?
ok.. back to the survey..: rockin'
what time is it right now?: 3:35 am
what kind of computer do you own?: dell something or other
so i have to ask..: apparently
do you like cheese?: yes
whats your favoirte kind of cheese?: umm....american
what are you listening to right now?: A-Nothing
are you eating anything?: nope
do you like febreeze?: uh...YEAH I DO.
MOM: remember
HAS: that
GOT: song
IT: and
GOING: who
ON: cares!!
thankyou: she really does i heard...

when was the last time you...

burped: um i don't remember exactly
laughed: 2 secs ago basically
showered: well now it would be considered yesturday
went to the bathroom: a while ago
vacumed: psh...i don't f'n know
went to school: last week
cried: bout an hour ago
turned on a light: it was so long ago..
threw something away: at dinner time
did the dishes: monday?
did the laundry?: sunday
talked on the phone and who with: uh...idk i think my dad or..vikki? psh who knows
flunked a test: not too long ago
aced a test: not too long ago
broke something: i don't know
lost a tooth: ah, childhood
went swimming: last or 2 summers ago
went on a date: uhh...never
had sex..?: i'll get back to you on that.....
ate something: a few hours ago

this or that...

powerade or gatorade: gatorade
sushi or chicken: chicken
IM or TV: IM
MP3 or radio: MP3
going on a date, or hanging out with your frineds: both
group or just the two of you (dating): both
yahoo or hotmail: yahoo
1% or 2% milk?: 2%
south park or the simpsons: both
mary kate or ashley (HA): ew neither
BSB or N*sync? (HA): uhh...BSB! duh.
dog or cat: cat
french fries or potato chips: potato chips
cola softdrinks or lemon lime softdrinks: cola
mellow yellow or mt. dew: dew the dew bitch!!!!!!
panera or frishes: WHAT?
eating out or in: in
crayons or colored pencils: colored pencils
Mondays or Sundays: sundays
Saturdays or Fridays: saturdays
summer or fall: fall
spring or winter: winter
TV or reading: both
newport or kenwood: uhh newport?
this is a this, this, or that question... sex, rock and roll, or drugs?: umm..all of it.
what would you rate this survey on a scale 1-10: 10
was it the best survey you've ever taken: possibly
or the worst?: no
or was it ok?: yeah
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