Feb 16, 2008 11:39
Wow a whole month and no update, lets see. School has been going and going super fast. It is weird, at first this looked like it was going to be a hard semester but it sure isn't. I only have one class that gives exams. Midterm and Finals week are going to be a killer though. A lot of partying this semester and I love every second of it. I came home this weekend for a break, and to see the rents and get my new camera plus other presents.
I dropped another 10 pounds from my summer weight, I now fit into my high school jeans again, so exciting. Three more weeks till spring break.
I miss Allie so much : ( She is having super fun in London, I can't wait till she comes back.
New Jack Johnson CD is amazing.
Next weekend T-Pain, The Academy Is..., and Jack's Mannequin is coming!
Hillery's birthday is on Wednesday, this is going to be a shit show.
In some sad news, Folly broke up a few weeks ago. I couldn't believe it, so unexpected. I talk as if a real person has died however, I love Folly.
What is up with these school shootings lately, Illinois, Hofstra, and a middle school in Cali? I just don't understand these kids.
I got a fucking $2 raise at work, don't worry I will still be poor : D