I feel pretty good that school has ended. Do I want to torture myself with summer school and thus make next year more bearable? Should I bask in blissful nothingness? I can't see myself saying "I have nothing to do today," but it would be really wonderful to wake up one morning and feel the truth of those words
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Yeah, since I don't have homework I've been really lazy and reading Anne Rice's Witching Hour because I found it in my closet. I bought it when I was about 13 and figured, damn, it's been 10 years and I still haven't read it. It is soooooo good though, and well I'm happy its 1000 pages of goodness. I leave for New Orleans next week and probably will be taking it with me on the plane.
Anyway, I haven't decided on Oregon for sure.....but I think it would be really nice because I would like to see Z and she can't really visit me because her mom has been sick and they take care of eachother. The Oregon librarians finally wrote me back and they want to meet me in New Orleans at ALA, so it sounds optimistic that I could figure something out. HOWEVER, I heard back from the National Air and Space Museum in DC, which is the one place I really really really want to go...and although that is not so optimistic sounding, it being so late in the game, it is still worth waiting a week or so more for a final decision. but then I wouldn't see Z, and that would make me very sad.
I should probably do one of the two though, and so I dunno if I would have time to go to Mexico City too, but maybe I will! How long does the drive take down there and back? I would really love to go with you and Liz, that would be an amazingly awesome spectacular time. =) Yes!! =D
I don't think I knew you were going to New Orleans. What are you going for? I think you're the only person I knew who went to N.O. before the terrible-ness, so whenever I hear about it I think of you. It is fitting for you to go back, although you will have to write a lot about the before and after.
I haven't read Anne Rice in years. I always loved her books though. I met a christian who gave up anne rice books because of her religion. Poor religious people...
I don't know how long it would take to drive down. It might not be worth it though, as I think it might be really far. If we do end up going though, we definitely do not want a car in the city. Traffic is so terrible that it slows you down.
Ok, I'm going to a gay club in LA with 2 gay guys and a straight girl, talk to you later love.
Gay clubs are fun, I hope you had a good time.
And yeah, thanks for the advice on Z and visits. I am so confused.
I am leaving tomorrow morning for New Orleans cuz I'm going to the American Library Association Conference. It might be fun.
I will visit you on my return! (If I return...)
I hope you visit me upon returning!!!
We can cook organic vegetarian meals, and eat them while being comatose on couches (not quite the same as our beds freshman year, but whatever) or we can read amazing books while drinking coffee, or terrorize someone, or run around for the hell of it, or to dance to music.
My friend is planning on going to a rave and it made me think of the one rave I've been to, which was with you.
Ok, going to find something to wear to my brother's wedding. Hope you enjoy New Orleans, and I hope it's not too humid!
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