Feb 10, 2009 21:21
Code red this friday night!, should be pretty good.
So i started a new job in Balcatta (eurgh), its pretty boring as expected.... I was absolutely pissed off about being there on my first day...just didnt wanna be there flat out... Then they showed like an introduction video about the company to me and some others who were starting on the same day.
The vids just a generic vid that they show to new company people all over Australia, it was basically all the big wig corporate suits of Metcash talking about how great the company is.
So i'm sat watching the vid PISSED, wondering why the fuck i am here at this corporate hole and wishing i was at home or with friends or anywhere but here...when my dad came on!!.
He had a huge speech talking about how great the company is and how he is proud to manage over 3000 staff blah blah blah and the pleasure of turning over big profits etc etc. I really cannot belive the irony of the whole situation, completely ridicilous irony right there!
We still havent done much filming recently which is a shame, we have a charachter that will be GOLD and he is intent on filming...but we cant get in contact. We'd talked about filming in the futre etc but never made any concrete plans and apparently he thought a date was set to film and he stayed home all day and waited for us...poor guy.
Gyms going pretty well, i'm taking the gym really serious this year and not just turning up baked and doing a half assed work out. I've been reading up on muscle gain and good nutrition and i've been eating right etc etc so muscles can grow well.
New CKY album out in a few months ha ha haa..but seriously, i'll still pick it up and check it out, but i'm not really excited by it or anything.
EDIT: WTF The Streets are playing at Metros Freo on friday night!!!, how was this kept so quiet??!! rarrrggghhh