Its Buisness..

Sep 12, 2006 14:50

A lot of things happend in these 2 months.

> Sad thing is that I was a part of "60% Layed off Folks from NetD" :(. It was pretty cool company , but things changed soo quickly and we were just given pink slip on 12th august afternoon and the HR manager and Managing Director told me to leave as soon as possible. I was emotional[as usual], but we were just asked to leave as soon as possible :(. We had lots of speculations abt layoff but we thought we might get some 15 days for trying out else where.. but it was just a myth. We were asked to leave as soon as possible :O

> So I started looking for jobs from the day I got layed off. Attended interviews in Symbol, Nokia and Riverstone Networks in three successive days without much preparation and finally didnt got thru any of these :(. Just thought of to prepare well and start attending the next set of choices. Started applying for Cisco, Juniper and other set of similar options. I have interest to work in a Networking company with a similar kind of work. After struggling for a month I got offers from AMD, Cisco [Had gruelling 7 rounds of interviews], Juniper, Motorola to name a few :D
Finally took up Juniper[My current dream company] :D

> Btw also enrolled for Artificial Intelligence and Netwotk Security courses in prestigious Indian Institute of Science as a part of Profiecience program. Back to Patshaala :D


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