dreams of giants/ fuck the church, fuck the state, fuck my life

Sep 27, 2015 13:08

dream that i caused the bruning down of a person house with a pitbull inside and tried to blame ashley alms ands someone eelse but then dreamed the inside scenario over and over again until i didnt do it, also guilt crying over it.
dream; "death can heal you" - 8 yr old fat kid
dream; giant buffalo across an ocean , looking toward it 100 miles away- it was visible across the horizon very vividly like it would be bigger than a city. it was so big that the people i was with, one of whom was my sister, we had to enter this other dimension acorss the water. we had to cut ourselves all over and then something would make us grow into grotesque superhero x men like things that were 100s of feet tall . my eyes completely went and i was a blind fly type of thing with gray webby skin and long cybergoth fly skin dreads and i shot webs out of my hands and was supposed to have heightened senses and thats why i was blind but i had to learn how to use my superpower really quickly. there was also some weird fashion along the way traveling to this place (my shorehouse) to get ready for the other dimension
empty dead miserable waste

global capitalism sucking all the energy and life and art from me and all its people
everything is doomed and it isnt funny
meager and foolish individuals, traces of beauty marred by social subjugation and institution
or put to work
die yuppie scum
contempt should be the casual emotional state
instead - distracted by the illusion of middle class survival tactics and "luxuries"
poison lives
and the nihilists are dumb
but then they wouldn't be nihilists
"punk is dead"
why won't my idealism die
idealism is a losing battle
u scrape up the courage to hull together the scraps of meaning, the scraps of you
and feed it to the monitor before any real value can accrue
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