Jan 24, 2006 22:15
Do I matter enough to you? I have givin up so much for you but yet you can't give up one thing for me. Am I just not good enough? Not worth it? I thought you were but now that you can't give up one thing for me Im starting to 2nd guess everything. Why? Why can't you do it? I can't stand to bring up the subject again, afraid that it will cause another fight. I wanted 2006 to be a better year for us, not a worse.
And why is everyone else getting what I want. Do I not work hard enough? Not that Im not happy for everyone, but that doesnt mean I cant be jelouse.
Why do I have such low self estem. Always wonding if you are lieing to me, or if you are meeting someone right now that might take you from me.
What to do.....