It's been a while since I tried to write something in this journal.
I'm not in the mood of writing for the past few months. Every time I open my LJ account, I started checking latest posts in every group I joined. Reading..downloading...while checking my social media accounts here and there. It took time and killed my mood XD
It is the Ramadhan season in my country now. There are not many events to visit in this holy month for Moslem. I'm also in a very unhealthy condition since the end of last month. Something called "Typhoid Fever" attacked my immunity. The doctor said I need to rest... a lot. In the end, I spend most of my time to check every new update of NEWS every where in the net ahahahah~
Okay, now to the post!
The last post I wrote is about Tegomass cover. In case you don't know, you might want to check it. It's right below this post XD
Other than "Kiss Kaerimichi no Love Song" -which I requested to Ega MH and Bagus HT- I also made a request for them to sing "Aoi Bench". I was totally fine whether they would sing the Tegomass version or The Sasuke version. But they knew that I love Tegomass so much so they sang the Tegomass version on the event. Ureshii~` <3
Check out their performance here!
(sorry for my laughing sound in the beginning of the video. and the shaky video. and for one of them who forgot the lyric ahahah~ )