Louisianime & Tokyo in Tulsa!!!

May 28, 2010 10:58


Hey guys! I'm on Cat-Chan's cosplay staff for Louisianime and we need more volunteers!! (I think its just the two of us so far O_O)
I'm pretty sure you get crash space and a badge if you volunteer (ask Cat-Chan for details).
Its September 10th - 12th in Baton Rougue, LA.
Let Cat-Chan or I know if you are interested!

note: sorry, but my car is dying a slow and painful death so I won't be able to offer anyone a ride. U_U


I've been invited as a cosplay judge to Tokyo in Tulsa! They have also asked me to do 3 panels: Cosplay, J-Fashion, and a Lets-go-to-Japan! panel. :D
I'm not sure if they have already picked anyone else to be on these panels, but if they haven't, I'd love to have someone sit on one (or several) with me! Again, let me know if you are interested!
TNT is June 18th - 20th in Tulsa, OK.

also: need a ride to this one as well X_X (oh, car-fail!)
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