Sorry for the lateness. If anyone still doesn't have the raws,
kei-san77 posted them at

Chapter 158
Top text: Watanuki and Kohane. The scene of growing happiness between the two.
Watanuki: How is it, Kohane-chan?
Kohane: Hn.
-02-03- (splash: Watanuki)
What was given as payment
in order to have a wish granted.
That's Watanuki's--- memories. (T/N: Furigana/kanji mismatch on Watanuki. The kanji actually says "him himself" and the furigana space has "Watanuki" in kanji.)
"He doesn't remember his past, or the names of his parents."
Watanuki's memories were sealed in order to grant a wish.
"For the sake of two futures, I want those memories to be protected."
Yuuko's unbearably serious words. Where is the future headed---!?
Kohane: Okay.
Watanuki: It turned out all right.
Kohane: It's because you're a capable teacher, Kimihiro-kun.
Watanuki: Only because you're skilled, Kohane-chan.
Obaa-san: Actually,
Obaa-san: both you children are.
Obaa-san: Well, well,
that looks delicious!
Kohane: You mean the coating of the spinach and meat dumplings?
Obaa-san: Looks like you've become able to really do anything in just a little bit of time, eh,
Kohane: ......
SFX behind Watanuki: pori pori pori pori pori pori pori pori (T/N: Crunching sound.)
Watanuki (SFX): Huh?
Side-text: Kohane wished for happiness in exchange for her purification power. [T/N: Boiling sound.] ♪ What she's soaking the cooking into is the granny's secret formula and the dashi of happiness!!! (T/N: Dashi is a type of soup stock. I've seen it as "dashi" in English recipes so I'm leaving it untranslated.)
Watanuki: So!
Don't eat senbei munch-munch-munching like a rat!! (T/N: Senbei is a Japanese cracker. Delicious, actually.)
Doumeki: I was invited.
Watanuki: Kohane-chan, you shouldn't have invited the likes of this guy!
Kohane: I wanted to see Shizuka-kun.
Kohane: I wanted to have him eat my cooking.
Watanuki: Hmph,
That Shizuka-kun deal is too much of a mismatch
for someone of Doumeki's level!
Doumeki (SFX): Shut it.
Doumeki: Munch.
Watanuki: You! You just said "munch" with your mouth, didn't you!
Watanuki (SFX): In that case, you can very well say "tea"... Hey!!
Obaa-san: Aren't they close...
Watanuki: Somehow the whole female camp misunderstands me!
Kohane: ... Thank you
Kohane: for letting me stay here.
Obaa-san: Oh, do you have something to be thanking me for?
Obaa-san: I'm the one who has to be grateful to Yuuko-chan
Obaa-san: for having such a sweet girl entrusted to me.
Yuuko: Even if you lose your powers, even if the rumors are brought to an end,
it's not like I did something to your mother, herself.
Yuuko: What I can affect by taking payment is only the exterior.
Yuuko: As for the interior, none but the person themself can change it. (T/N: Before I get jumped at for murdering the English language:
singular they.)
Kohane: ... Okay.
Yuuko: What your mother needs is to be by herself.
Yuuko: Be by herself,
and not merely acknowledge, but understand (T/N: Unusual spelling on both "acknowledge" and "understand". The furigana reads like the usual verbs "to know" and "to understand", but the kanji correspond to their noun versions, with the hiragana following them acting as the conjugable parts of the usual verbs.)
Yuuko: what must change.
Kohane: So I'd better not stay with her until then, right?
Yuuko: ... Correct.
Watanuki: But, will Kohane-chan by herself be...?
Mokona: How about Doumeki's house?
It's big!
Watanuki: Aah!?
Doumeki: I don't mind.
We have a room, too.
Kohane: ... Thank you.
Watanuki: Aah!?
If that happens, then it turns out that if I want to see Kohane-chan I'm gonna have to go to his house!?
Watanuki (SFX): I don't quite fancy that.
Yuuko: That would've been great if your grandfather were still among us.
Yuuko: It'd be nice if while you wait for your mother you could become a little bit more adept at using your seeing powers, right?
Kohane: Yeah.
Yuuko: In that case,
Yuuko: let's try asking that person.
Kohane: But,
although you let me live here like this,
Kohane: and taught me a lot of things,
Kohane: I... can't give you anything.
Obaa-san: The many divinations I've done,
Obaa-san: my diligent study of the art of seeing people, stars and paths,
Obaa-san: if I died, it'd have ended there, but
Obaa-san: if you are taught to succeed me, Kohane-chan,
it won't be the end.
Obaa-san: My bond with you will continue forever and ever.
Obaa-san: Nothing makes me happier than this.
Kohane: ... Thank you.
Kohane: I, too, am really glad
Kohane: that I met you, granny.
Obaa-san: My, my, the cooking you've worked so hard on is going to get cold!
Doumeki: I got this from a parishioner.
Since I was told you like it...
Watanuki: You!
Such a big attitude for a minor!
Obaa-san: Ah, well, that was a long time ago. I can't have four bottles anymore.
Watanuki (SFX): Can't have four, meaning, three she can?
Obaa-san: It's very special sake.
We've got to drink it in very special glassware.
Obaa-san (SFX): All right!
Kohane: I'll go get them.
Obaa-san: They're in the shelves in the back room, though.
It's a high place.
Watanuki: Hey. Do something, for a change.
Doumeki: Yeah, I'm better fit...
in height terms.
Watanuki: Just a bit, you know!!
Watanuki (SFX): Just an itty little bit!!
Obaa-san: That child, he's the
"boy you quarrel with the whole time" from back when I told your fortune, right?
Watanuki: In-
Obaa-san: Looks like you did become close, didn't you?
Watanuki: Unwillingly!
Obaa-san: Your getting along with that child, too,
is because you've changed, Kimihiro-kun.
Watanuki: ... Changed?
Watanuki: I did?
Obaa-san: That's something you should know best, Kimihiro-kun.
Watanuki: ... That's right.
Obaa-san: Yuuko-chan changed too.
Watanuki: Eh?
Obaa-san: By meeting you.
Side text: Although she lost her "exorcism powers", Kohane's "seeing powers" remained!! What is Watanuki's future reflected in those uneasy eyes...!?
Watanuki: ... Yuuko-san... too.
Doumeki: Is this it?
Kohane: I think so.
Kohane: Say, Shizuka-kun...
Doumeki: What?
Kohane: Er...
About Kimihiro-kun...
Page 7: Hahaha, Watanuki acknowledges that the Holic women are all closet yaoi fans! (笑)
Page 9: CLAMP, kindly stop with the non-standard uses of the furigana space and the made-up spellings. I mean, look at the size of that translation note, and I'm still not sure I managed to explain your mess.
Page 15: Watanuki's dragging age into this greatly amuses me.
Page 19: I'm very sorry, but I can't read the sousho here. I know it's signed by Yuuko, and one of the kanji there looks like 夜, but that's about it.