The Wars of the Star...

Sep 28, 2008 02:08

I just finished my run through the Star Wars Original Trilogy, and confirmed two facts that we already knew: 1) the original Trilogy was better and 2) they butchered the very, very end of "Return of the Jedi"... twice. Really, they should have stuck with the music of the original version of the movie as it was a lot more jovial and sounded much more like a celebration was going on.

One thought has crossed my mind: if George Lucas had continued the series with the prequels sooner than 10-15 years AFTER RotJ, would they actually have been better? Methinks yes, and they would have also been better if GL would have put the fans slightly more ahead of himself when making them too (I could be wrong here, but I swear I've heard that these last few outings, both the Prequels and Clone Wars, have been more for GL's benefit than ours.)

I'm hoping that the Live Action series that's hopefully a year or two down the road revives the series enough to possibly get us some new main series movies... which are hopefully on par with the Original Trilogy.

...Or pigs could fly...

Anyways, some interesting finds, both relating and not relating to Star Wars:

T-bone's Star Wars Universe - This site has a lot of information on how Star Wars could have been different, like how the Ice Monsters from "Empire Strikes Back" would have played a bigger role in the movie, and how Obi-Wan Kenobi was originally meant to be the main Jedi in in "The Phantom Menace."

Early B5 flyer - Yes, because I'm not quite over the Babylon 5 bug just yet. Actually, found this page weeks ago. There's really not THAT much here (if you want a lot more, Google "The Lurkers' Guide to Babylon 5"... though you'll probably have to read through every important episode to see anything interesting,) but there are some interesting things here, like G'Kar's original name before he became French.

[edit] Oh, one more random tidbit so this topic officially covers three geekdoms, the actor who played Tarkin in the original Star Wars also played Doctor Who in the two Dalek movies... no, not "the Doctor," a character actually named "Doctor Who!"

Yeah, I know, not really all that interesting...

...Especially since I haven't seen the Dalek movies...
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