Dec 06, 2006 00:34
So classes are done for the term. But we still have this silly Assessment Week thing. To quote myself in art class yesterday, "Andover sure knows how to put the ass back in assessment." Which begs the question: was there ever a time when ass was not in assessment? When was it ever just essment? Hmm, deep questions...
While I could spend some time here talking about how crappy the weekend was, and how loooong classes felt yesterday, and how wonderful it was to go to Swing Club and discover that Abby was about to teach the Shim-Sham (something I already know, thanks to Ian's formidable swing skills), I think it's pertinent to talk about today. Because today was awesome.
First off: Half-hour-long classes make me very happy indeed, especially when they are on Tuesdays! My classes were completely done by 10:30 in the morning, because I only had 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. Oh I love Tuesdays. :)
Secondly, dates are wonderful. I was taken out for lunch at Panera by my Spidey, and after a really hilarious Soup ADVENTURE, we decided to go to see "The Nativity Story" at Lawrence Cinema. It was really well done! I had rather mixed feelings about going to see it, just because of my recent relationship troubles with the Catholic religion, but I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the film. I feel that although I'm slightly biased here, having been raised Catholic, I think it's a film that's pretty accessible to people of any religious background: it's a story of hard decisions being made by innocent youth, simple as that. They have strong faith in a higher power, without coming across as trying to convert the audience members. Oh and the imagery is EXCELLENT, the music is lovely, and the characters are very compelling (the three wise kings especially stole the movie! they provided the comic relief here and there with their friendliness and believable senses of humour). So all in all, it was great. I recommend it. Not a super-romantic date kind of movie, but one to make you feel pretty good about life. :)
After the movie, we went back to Corey's house for a bit. We watched "Reba" and ate an amazingly delicious dinner of pork and vegetables. Have I mentioned how much I love his family? They're so awesome. I'm lucky to be able to spend time with them. :)
Corey drove me back to PA in time for my Dance Open audition, which went really REALLY well. Cece and I will probably be choreographing another contortion act, although this time more contortiony and less dancey. And we'll see which other dances I get into...I can't wait to see the results!
I came back to PR and promptly collapsed onto my bed. A quick nap was in order. After I woke up, Gina, Nico, and Kaite visited me, and we drank a lot of Blue Sky soda (my looooooooove) and talked about pr0n stars. It was an interesting visit! :P I spent a long time working on college apps, and in fact missed the dorm meeting. ^^;
I've started a nightly workout again. I stopped sometime last spring, and I really missed it. So I'm going to be buff again. :)
Okay. I have an "assessment" period tomorrow...I put it in quotes because it is, in fact, breakfast at Ada's house. I kid you not. I love my English class so much! Why does it have to end? Anyways. I'm going to bed.