Does anybody else just get the feeling that the entire world is rapidly turning to shit?
War is becoming a permanent fixture, new and scary diseases rear their ugly (but still very small) heads every few weeks in Asia. Next thing you know Ska is going to make a massive comeback, and the Mighty Mighty Bosstones will play us a jolly fuck-tard song to accompany us into apocalypse.
Or maybe I'm just reading too much into things.
Anyway if anyone's interested (hahaha yeah i know),
this link, is a lovely story about all the iraqi civilians those valiant Americans are shooting. God bless 'em. I mean imagine having the nerve to collect the wounded in an ambulance? What a bunch of fucking sand nigger terrorists! I too,
am afraid of americans And for the love of sweet, baby jesus. The above paragraph is litterally dripping with sarcasm. Except the last sentence, of course. That was just dripping with clumsy pop culture reference.
People in Honduras are so poor they're fucking
eating each other! I mean the U.S could proably remedy this one with the savings on bullets alone if they just decided against the slaughter of iraqi civilians, but that would imply some sort of empathy or humanity to U.S foreign relations
Back in Iraq, late breaking news :
Iraqi women don't mind being raped! Not if it's by an American anyway! So basically, American soldiers found guilty of rape in Iraq receive extremely harsh penalties, like pay cuts or being frowned at briefly. Fuckin pay cuts! I mean you get a pay cut for forgetting to salute or some shit, one would imagine rape might be considered a little more serious. But, then again Iraqis aren't real people are they?
My only theory ( mind you, it's a pretty damn solid one ) is that the U.S government has finlly succeeded in it's super-soldier programs, and the new chemically and cybernetically enhanced soldiers are not only stronger & faster, but they have developed sexual skills far beyond normal humans. Even in rape, all participants are guaranteed satisfaction.
In fact, the iraqi women were probably lining upto be raped!
Or maybe the Americans are just total jerks. hmmm that is a tough one, eh.
More & more evidence seems to be piling up, suggesting
Bush had extremely fair warning about 9/11, yet did nothing except making sure his buddies were nowhere near commercial airflights that day. I can't really believe the whole things a conspiracy, it seems too 'hollywood' ya know. But I can't help but think maybe it was. And we'll probably never know.
Anyway, sorry if that was all a bit depressing. I'll try harder next time.