Nov 22, 2004 18:29
Sooo...Jamie got on my case about updating (not really, but yah) so I though I should update. I was sick this weekend and it wasn't fun. I did enjoy the fact that I did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING all weekend though. Accounting sucks, along with Chemistry. Chemistry just needs to die. I have a lot to do tonight. I'm stressed about school, and no it's not because I'm trying to do two years in one. It's cuz of all the useless classes I'm taking even though I shouldn't be taking them. Like chemistry, accounting, consumer math, and p.e. I'm taking FIVE freaking years of math! FIVE! I hate math. I have 11 subjects and four of them I shouldn't even have to take. Ok, sorry bout that. I just wanted EVRYBODY to know how I feel about this. Hmm...what else? Only 11 more days til I go to Disneyland and only 12 more days til my birthday! I'm not excited in the least bit...j/k! I really don't know why I'm excited though cuz nothing is really gonna change. I'll get my license three weeks later and it means that the next year I'll be 18 but that's it really. I want to go to the movies. Oh and another thing, one of the ladies came up to me in class today and told me she wanted to learn the songs in the book she handed me so I could play them on the piano in chapel tomorrow. I never even told her I would play the piano. My mom told her TWO WEEKS ago that I might be willing to play if I got the music a few days in advance so I could learn them. Two weeks ago my mom told her this and she comes up to me TODAY telling me to learn the songs so I could play some of them in chapel TOMORROW! This lady was talking to me about how I told her last week I would play for them in chapel. I was thinking either I'm seriously out of it or you're on something. So yah, I was kinda mad. Anywho, I think I've done enough ranting.
~*LoVeAlWaYs and FoReVeR*~