Yesterday I went to the mail service to get a package and finally my Lovely Macaron and Cookie Phonestraps arrived~ ( * x * )!
Just love them, they're so adorable and relly well made ^^
Well, about Valentine's Day it was awesome, we party, drank and had a lot of fun with my friends! X3! And the fireworks were really beautiful and romantic! Just love them~ ^^
Sadly I couldn't get the photos because my camera isn't good with photos at night, so my Boyfriend (who has better and more pro Camera XD!) took a lot but He had to travel the day after, so He couldn't send them to me ( u x u ).
[I'll post them as soon as I get them ^^]
I also got some cute presents from My Boyfriend, so here are some photos of them :D!
[ Here's a Draw that He made to me too, Some Hershey's Kisses of Chocolate and "Ai Princess" Manga" ^^]
And finally, Today at night I'm leaving to Arica city for the Cotakunó Anime Convention and I'll be away for around 5 days :O! I'm pretty nervous but excited at the same time X3! So I'm looking forward t get some cute stuffs and lots of photos~ :D!
Wish me Luck! See you~! ( ^ w ^ ) v