I HATE them!!!

Nov 11, 2004 21:32

I'm talking about SHOTS!!!! Today was Steven's appt and i HATED it!! I almost cried, but I just didn't watch while they gave him his shots!! Last time he got shots...he just kinda whimpered a little...this time, HE SCREAMED!!!!!! I felt so bad for him, but as soon as I took him he was ok!! MY poor wittle man!! :( But yeah, he weighs 13 lbs and 9 oz now, and he is 23 3/4 inches long. He is in the 8% for his height, and then 14% for his weight, still little but he is porportioned!! His doctor said he is about 2 months ahead in all of his motor skill and like with standing up, sitting, belly etc....she said he's prolly gonna be about an ealier leaners and start out crawling and walking pretty early b/c when you lay him on his belly, he already scoots around! It's soo cute. He's in bed right now, I got him his 6 oz bottle with cereal and he just doesn't feel good at all :( he just kept spitting it back out so I just gave him his paci(he really didn't want that either) and he fell asleep laying next to me. I feel soo bad for the little guy! Last shots weren't this bad...he wasn't fussy hardly at all!

So yesterday Joe put like 2100 dollars in the bank right? Well...he used some of his money for parts for his car b/c it got hit. Well this morning when I checked my account there was still about 500 dollars in the bank, and yeah my bank/check card won't work now. Isn't that nice!?!?!? It says its "Invalid" what the fuck ever!!

so....joe thinks he found himself a new job...or diff one I guess I should say. He's still working at his other one, but he talked to a guy tonight who got him an interview for Union Carpentry he'd be making about $15/hr to put up drywall and stuff...but it's like out in Troy almost...that sucks, but it's good money, and chances are they will work at least 40 hours a week b/c it's inside ya know!?!?!? YAY!!!!!

Ok, I am going to go now!!!
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