My, how the time goes by

Nov 02, 2004 01:53 my last entry, my pics didn't show up...oppsies!! Oh well. I will just write a new entry. I made a new icon!!! This is bigger Stevie..ha ha ha. Steven is going to be 4 months old on Wed.!!! Where has the time gone. I feel like it was just a couple weeks ago when I was still prego and misarable! also seems like it was just yesterday when Steph showed up at my house and told said "holy cow!!(refering to my stomach and how big it had gotten since the last time she had seen me)" and then she says "yeah, so I am pregnant!" and I thought I was gonna shit my pants. And now she is due in like 6 weeks now...(however, I don't think she's gonna make it that far)Seems like I just had him last month or something!!

Well...I have this friend who is prego now...and she went to the doctor the other day to get an ultrasound to see just how far along she was...and they were able to tell her she's having a little boy! I didn't think she was THAT far along. This girl probably has the most dramatic life ever. I am not even joking! Just the way things happen. Well as of right now her mom is overseas in London with her boyfriend. Her mom is like 60 something, Haylee's dad died about 3 years ago from lung cancer. Anyways, so her mom is ALWAYS gone with her boyfriend. Well, Haylee found out she was prego right after her mom left for her trip! She is prego by a married black guy. The reason I point out that he is black is b/c her mom is racist. So, Haylee was waiting for her mom to return or making sure she has a place to live before she told her mother. Well...this girl that she works with knows her sister and this girl told one person about haylee, and the other person told her sister who is friends with one of Haylee's sisters, so now they all know and want to tell her mom. So...Haylee is making that call to her mom tonight and letting her know what's going on! I am waiting for her call b/c if her mom tells her she needs to be out by tonight, I am going to pick her up. She told me her sister bitched her out and told her she was going to hell b/c of everything going on!! I'm sorry, I understand some people think it's just SOO wrong to have babies before you are married....but get over it! Accidents happen.
The way I look at it, unplanned pregnancies should not be considered mistakes, or accidents, but SUPRISES!!
That's what I consider my little Stevie. I didn't plan to have him so soon, but if God really didn't think I could handle it, he would not have blessed me with a child. I believe that EVERYTHING happens for a reason. It may not be a reason that you can explain, but you don't need to be able to. It's hard being a mommy to a little one, or any child at that! It sucks not being able to just jump in my car and do whatever I please WHENEVER I please at times, but I wouldn't trade the feeling I get from taking care of my son for any of that. I had my time to have fun, and be young, and now it's time for me to take care of someone else's life. Someone who COMPLETELY depends on me. He's has depended on my since the day I became pregnant. It gets frustrating being a mommy at times, but I just look on the bright side of it. I have an extremely good baby, i am VERY fortunate. I don't just say that because he is my baby, he really is a good baby. Started sleeping through the night at 2 months old, he very rarely cries, he only cries when he is tired, or is hungry. The child doesn't even cry when he needs a diaper change!! He's WONDERFUL, but what baby isn't??? Even fussy-all-the- time babies are wonderful! They are little peices of you!! :)
Sorry about the
Steven has a doctors appt next week. He gets SHOTS!! I hate shots!! They make me wanna cry! My little man is getting so big! He is started to squeal!! It's soo cute! He is starting to teeth, I am for sure now. You can feel the teeth on the bottom cutting through, and he likes to chew on the bottom of my soda can...

I FED him his cereal today, like using a was quite funny! His faces were kinda like "what the hell is that?!?!" he gets to have juice soon!! YAY...and then BABY FOOD!!!!! WOO HOO...ok I am really sorry about the ramble....see ya!!
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