Apr 29, 2010 23:20
Home is where the heart is. Where one lays one's head and where you hang your hat. A thousand and one metaphors for something we all know in our hearts the location of. A place where we can never be free, but we never need to be.
After a long, testing trip I'm here. Back where I was born, raised and live. Glasgow, Scotland. Time well spent away to remind me why I leave, why I always come back.
I came through Amsterdam on the way home and modified my opinion greatly, the country doesn't hide it's flaws at all, it thrives off them. It's messy, distended and dirty. Littered with trash, dingy back streets and tired looking people. The near constant drifting smell of weed from every other coffee shop doesn't help the people, who are all, to a man, total assholes. Pushy and ignorant of everyone but themselves. The red light district fits the image conjured by the mind. It's a shithole in which all manner of miserable people reside. I quite liked it, had I not had parents following me I would have no doubt quite enjoyed myself.
Now that I'm back in the city of my blood, I find myself bored to tears. Itching to move on again, restless and needing the change that I know is only over the horizon. But also dreading it, worried about the risk that will no doubt follow with it. Not something I can beat to one side, or discard as a casual fear. But something that may leave me destitute and failing. Something I cannot abide.
Anthony Burns. This is your life. Aren't you so glad to be out of the sun?
"Maybe I'm not at all down and out"
the return,