Feb 13, 2006 01:18
Went to see Hostel a few nights ago. My advice? Don't. It was terrible. Independent of how you feel about the subject matter (torture), it was just bad moviemaking. When it was over, I was left not with the sense that I'd just seen a movie that explored the darker elements of the human experience, but more with the notion that the only thing you had to do to get Quentin Tarantino to produce your movie was promise gallons of fake blood. The holes in the plot, the inconsistencies, the little details that just flat got overlooked or ignored...ugh. If you don't like torture, then obviously you're going to hate this movie, but even if you don't mind it, you'll still hate it because of all the other nonsense. It wasn't even scary.
I went through my CD collection and included some of it in the Great Purge. I've now gotten rid of about 50 or so CDs and transformed them into seasons 1 and 2 of The X-Files, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and The Matrix box set. I've been watching first The Sopranos (which I already had, but was in the middle of and wanted to finish) and now The X-Files. Need to make time for the rest soon...defective DVDs are best detected early.
We got snow flurries here today.
I've begun taking some photographs out of a plastic tub and moving them into photo albums. I worry that they're going in out of order, but on the other hand they're at least as organized now as they were in the tub.
After my George Orwell marathon I decided I needed some lighter fare, so I've been reading Mark Twain. Specifically Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. When I'm done with those I should probably finish Machiavelli's The Prince. After that I dunno. Maybe I'll finish my NaNoWriMo novel.