Thank you, you wonderful people!
Considering I just moved to my new home two weeks, I had a really great birthday :) Cake and beer and all is well in the world!
And you guys made it soooo much better! Thank you for all the well wishes!
Thanks to
ephermeralk and
katstark for the pms!
Thanks to
fiercelynormal and
alycat for the vgifts, I love those wonderful little things :)
Meus_venator was incredibly nice and observant and gifted me this pretty userhead I used to have! *squees*
And for the rest of you to enjoy as well, thanks to
big_heart_june and
herminekurotowa for the
pretty picspams! So pretty!
Beelikej gave me JDM giving me J2 in a box! Becasue of course she did! What’s not love? Check out the wonderfulness
And my fellow dinophile
cassiopeia7 gave me a
jump-roping T-rex and all the Jurassic Park! I mean really, who doesn’t love a jump-roping T-rex?
And then, to keep in style with my dinolove, the incredibly talented
kinkajou illustrated
my dinofics! She drew the cutest and hottest dino!Js! So
run over there and look and squee! And if, for some unfathomable reason, you do not like dinoporn, you noncrazy people you, then you can
go directly here, which is a non-porny, sfw pic of our happy little, TOTALLY ADORABLE dino family. Really, you have to check that one out at least!
Thanks to everyone else who sent me love via comments and twitter, I appreciate each and every single one of them!
I hope y’all are able to find joy in some of my presents as well, so that today, we call all celebrate a very happy unbirthday! *raises teacup and adjusts hat*
p.s: I hope I didn’t forget anyone, if I did, I’m terrible sorry and just yell at me for forgetting you :)