Clearly, I'm crazy. In other words: there are challenges to be had!

Jan 10, 2014 21:28

After serious internal debate (there may or may not have been booze involved), chatting with alezig and getting coerced by tebtosca I decided to sign up for three more challenges. Kill me now. (Never mind spn_j2_bigbang coming up which is kinda a given at this point, but don't worry, I've got a half finished fic lying around from when I missed signing up it last year).

Since I'm being crazy, I invite you all to be crazy with m toe this round of mini-challenges! It's going to be great fun, I promise *manic laughter*

Yes, I am writing femslash. Because all the ladies!!!

The Harlequin Challenge: Claims Open January 15th!

Obviously, I will write some kind of Highlander story. Reasons? One word: KILTS!!!

Claims for authors, artists, vidders, podficcers, and fanmixers coming soon!

This one will be co-written with alezig. We already decided on a movie, but we're gonna keep our obsession choice a secret for now ;)

spn_cinema and spn_meanttobe have only a minimum requirement of 1,000 words. So go sign up when it opens and have fun!

ETA: the wonderfully helpful fiercelynormal has created a deadline calendar for all challenges which is super helpful!

If you're wondering about my regular writing....

I have been consumed with spn_reversebang, but that is finally almost finished, now I'll just have to get together with my wonderful artist beelikej to work out the final details. We have a late posting date, so all will be well :)
I have managed to write my first fandomaid story, that I'll use for this month's smpc (we're still looking for porn-creators, you know you wanna!).

dragonbigbang is also still a go, but as soon as I am done with that, it's back to my regular WIPs. There's only the epilogue left for Lifetime and then, I will finally have time to focus on Bees (I already have 3000 words for the next chapter, but there's plot and emotional things going on, so please bear with me). And no, I have not forgotten about Mice and Coffee, but the muse has temporarily abandoned that one. Every time I open that doc I draw an absolute blank until I get an idea for another one of my stories. I will not give up on it though, I have hopes that I'll be able to focus on it when I'm done with all my other stuff.

There are various other one shots for the next few smpc entries; a spn_kinkmeme fill I liked (cause I haven't filled one in too long) and the first idea for spn_j2_xmas, that never became more than a pwp, so I saved it for later :)

At some point there will also be my second fandomaid, some kind of were-creature college AU, if my buyer doesn't change her mind, then I will sleep for approximately four months, before I start working on various sequels I started writing for some of my one shots. There may or may not be a supersecret project with the wonderful kjanddean, but knowing us both, it's gonna take a while for it to see the light of day :D

So I guess a have a busy decade year ahead of me *does not look around in panic, not at all* Well, they say one thrives under pressure :D Also, all the porn.

On a slightly unrelated note, it's been almost a year that I created this here account and started posting my first fics. Nostaliga! Also, I wanted to say a big thanks to everyone who welcomed me with open arms, helped me out, introduced me to the working of lj or left feedback of any kind. I couldn't have hoped for a better year :)

pimping, ramblings, bigbang

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