Feb 21, 2008 23:49
Well it can basically be interpreted through this aim conversation...
beck aluffagus (11:39:20 PM): uuugggghhhhh i fucking want to kill him
MooonGloriousss (11:39:30 PM): whatd he do now
MooonGloriousss (11:39:32 PM): other than be a drunk asshole
beck aluffagus (11:41:03 PM): ugh fucking aim won't let me copy an dpaste
MooonGloriousss (11:41:12 PM): thats fucking gay
beck aluffagus (11:41:19 PM): and i don't want to type it again
beck aluffagus (11:41:19 PM): hold on
MooonGloriousss (11:41:23 PM): ok
beck aluffagus (11:41:51 PM): whateve,r okay so last night when i went to the store i was supposed to get dog food and apple cider for my dad which i did and he said he'd pay me back
beck aluffagus (11:42:03 PM): so just now he's like yeah i'm not going to pay you back because you've borrowed money from me without paying me back so we're even
MooonGloriousss (11:42:10 PM): wtf
beck aluffagus (11:42:14 PM): Firs tof all, I have borrowed money from him twice, and I've paid him back the very fucking second i got paid
MooonGloriousss (11:42:25 PM): hes your fucking dad, your allowed to borrow money fro him if you fucking want to
beck aluffagus (11:42:27 PM): and the reason i have to borrow money at all is because i have to pay for my own food, shampoo, basically everything for myself.
MooonGloriousss (11:42:31 PM): yeah
beck aluffagus (11:42:50 PM): while all the time, i clean HIS house, do HIS laundry, HIS dishes, and also while he's bitching at me about how it's not good enough and blah fucking blah blah
MooonGloriousss (11:42:58 PM): ugh
beck aluffagus (11:43:02 PM): also, before i got a job, he gave me a ten dollar allowance once a week for doing all the above mentioned chores.
beck aluffagus (11:43:17 PM): ten fucking dollars for doing every single mother fucking thing in this god damn house. and half the time he didnt even give it to me, cause he forgot or didn't have it
MooonGloriousss (11:43:27 PM): asshole
beck aluffagus (11:43:33 PM): SO he probably owes me like several hundred dollars in allowances yet we're fucking even because apparently i haven't paid him back which is fucking bullshit
beck aluffagus (11:43:43 PM): AND THEN he's like oh you can use your tax refund for your car insurance
MooonGloriousss (11:43:51 PM): what
MooonGloriousss (11:43:53 PM): the fuck
beck aluffagus (11:44:05 PM): I was going to put it in my savings account so i can fucking go to fucking school since i'm almost 20 fucking years old and not in college yet
MooonGloriousss (11:44:07 PM): why is there even insurance on it, he has two fucking trucks, he doesnt need to drive your car too
beck aluffagus (11:44:19 PM): oh but he drives it anyway
MooonGloriousss (11:44:26 PM): he angers me
beck aluffagus (11:44:55 PM): ugh i'm so fucking tired of busting my ass with my seven dollars an hour while doing shit around here too and trying to save money to get out and go to school. god forbid i want to fucking learn.
MooonGloriousss (11:45:04 PM): yeah
beck aluffagus (11:45:05 PM): and i didn't do the dishes today because i'm exhausted and i'm surprised he iddn't yell at me for that like he normally does
MooonGloriousss (11:45:36 PM): yeah ill keep bugging my manager about giving you a job until she does
MooonGloriousss (11:46:13 PM): and since your trying to get in shape you could probably take the lifeguarding class, get bumped up to 8.50+ an hour, and save a good bit of money
beck aluffagus (11:46:18 PM): haha yeah
MooonGloriousss (11:46:40 PM): especially over the summer, you can easily make over 400 a week
beck aluffagus (11:46:46 PM): I don't know, i'd be just as miserable as alifeguard as i am a cashier, i don't want to be having to shave and shit all the god damn mother fucking time.
beck aluffagus (11:46:46 PM): yeah
beck aluffagus (11:46:57 PM): well my dad is making me ggo to school in the summer
MooonGloriousss (11:47:04 PM): thats weird
beck aluffagus (11:47:08 PM): gfod why can't i just fucking get out of here and do what the fuck i want
beck aluffagus (11:47:10 PM): i know he's fucking stupid
MooonGloriousss (11:47:20 PM): why the hell in the summer, thats the best time to make money
beck aluffagus (11:47:33 PM): he's like ohyou can get your bs calsses out of the way like freshman psychology, um excuse me psychology has to be one of my majors if i'm going to be a criminal profiler
MooonGloriousss (11:48:02 PM): it bugs me that he does nothing but bitch and complain about you, seems like he never wants you around, yet hes doing everything possible to keep you from leaving
MooonGloriousss (11:48:29 PM): how does he expect you to pay for this shit
beck aluffagus (11:48:37 PM): He's fucking retarded, he acts like I Don't want to go to school or something, he's always like we need to get you in school, like once a fucking day. I KNOW THIS I HAVE WANTED TO GO TO SCHOOL SINCE I GOT OUT OF IT YOU FUCKING IDIOT.
MooonGloriousss (11:48:49 PM): ugh
beck aluffagus (11:48:55 PM): and he's like oh we're going to blue ridge
beck aluffagus (11:49:13 PM): i dont' fucking want to go to fucking blue ridge i want to go fuckign take care of my god damn grandmother and go to lord fairfax and then get the flying fuck out of here and go somewhere substantial