right turn, danger! what a thought provoking band!

Sep 10, 2004 17:23

this is dumb. This is really dumb. This is stupid. This is crazy. This is really dumb. Why am I doing this? This is stupid. It's crazy. It's really dumb. This is dumb. This is dumb. This is so dumb. It's stupid. It's really stupid. It's crazy. I'm crazy for doing this. Why am I doing this? It's dumb. It's really really really dumb. It's stupid. It's crazy. It's stupid and crazy. Beyond that it's just dumb. It's just plain stupid. It's dumb. I can't believe how unbelievably dumb this is. It's stupid. It's crazy. It's dumb. This is dumb. This is really dumb. This is stupid. This is crazy. Absolutely crazy. Why don't I stop? Why am I doing this? It's so STUPID. It's incredibly dumb. It could be the dumbest thing ever, it's so dumb. It's stupid, it's crazy, it's dumb. It's all these things. Plus it's dumb. It's double dumb. Triple dumb. It's quadruple stupid dumb. It's just dumb. Wholly and infuriatingly stupid. Stupid and dumb. Simply dumb. This is crazy. This is so dumb. Why am I doing this to myself. Why don't I just stop. This is dumb. This is really, really, really dumb. It's really stupid. It's crazy. This is so dumb that you would have to be really, really dumb just to think of something dumber. Nothing could be more dumb than this. This is stupid. It's crazy. It's really, really dumb. It's very dumb. Very dumb and very stupid. Incredibly stupid. Stupid and dumb. It's so dumb that no analogy could adequately portray it's dumbness. It's stupidity. It's gross immeasurable lack of not being dumb. It's utter stupidity reeks of being dumb. Dumb and stupid. This is stupid. It smells like stupid. It's dumb. Really dumb. It's crazy. Really, really crazy. It would be insane if it weren't so dumb. So explicitly, scathingly DUMB. And stupid. This is dumb. This is crazy. This is stupid. Really stupid. This is really dumb. It's crazy. Why didn't I quit when I started? This is stupid. Why am I continuing? It's stupid. It's dumb. It's stupendously dumb. Not to mention stupid. And crazy. (If it weren't so god-awful dumb.) It's stupid. Why I am I still doing this? I could leave. I could just walk away. But I don't. That's dumb. That's stupid. It's really stupid. It's dumb. It's really dumb. Dumb and stupid. Fantastically stupid. Fantastically stupid and dumb. So dumb it's evil. Evil and dumb. It's stupid. Increasingly stupid. It's so stupid that it eludes metaphor. It's that stupid. It's just that dumb. And stupid. Really stupid. I want to stop but I can't. I want to make it go away but I can't. It's stupid. When will it stop? Why didn't I quit earlier. This is really, really, really, really, really, dumb. It's exceptionally dumb. It's stupid. This is stupid. This is dumb. This is dumb. This is dumb. This is dumb. I can't believe I'm doing this, it's so dumb. It's stupid. It's crazy. It's probably unnecessary too. But I know this for sure: It's dumb. It's stupid. It's invincibly stupid. Dumb. Nothing could possibly match in scope the depth of how dumb this is. It's so stupid. Pathetically stupid. Stupid and dumb. On a scale from one to ten you could not gauge it's dumbness. It's completely stupid. It's so dumb. This is very dumb. This is stupid. This is very stupid. I can't believe how stupid this is. This is dumb. Why did I do this to myself?
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