GOREGRIND METAL! this is the funniest/grossest thing anyone should ever encounter here are some great bands:
-Meat Blaster (
-Mincing Fury and Guttural Clamour of Queer Decay (
-Screaming Afterbirth (
-Putrid Pile
-Lust of decay
-Vaginal Carnage
-Flesh Grinder
-Bizarre Embalming
-Gruesome Malady
-Plastic Grave
-Reek of Shits
-Dirty Infamous
-Blood Duster
-Tu Carne
-Din Addict (has to be on eof the coolest band names I've ever heard)
-Mass Genocide Process
-Corporal Raid
-Total Rusack
-Carnal Diafragma
-Squash Bowels
-Lymphatic Phlegm
-Gross Member
-Mucubelching Beats
-7 minutes of nausea
-Vampiric Motives
Please if you love your self go out buy these bands' cd's cause you need this in your life. I thought nile was important... shit then I heart anal cum mouthwash from meat blaster. I was changed.