It's almost over...

Aug 12, 2005 19:16

Hey journal readers!

Life has just been busy, busy, busy! I finally have my license (yes!) and I'm constantly working. Kevin and I have been dating for 8 months (can you believe it's been that long!?) I went to Ocean Shores and down to California last month (July), which was pretty cool. I went to LA (Hollywood) and got to see the famous Walk of Fame! (Harrison Ford, Tom Cruise and Kermit the Frog, aww yeah!) I just can't believe summer is almost over. Just a few more weeks. (All that homework I still have to do :( ) I've gotten my senior pictures already, and most of my new school clothes/school supplies (that's always a sure sign that summer's ending). Baby-sitting has been keeping me very busy. I'm really excited to be a senior this year, all the excitement of college upon us! It'll be a tough road, but I'll make it, especially with the help of my awesome friends. I hope everyone is having a great summer. If anybody feels like talking, just give me a call, I'll hopefully be here. I miss everyone!


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