[Cam] A Question to My Gamers

May 14, 2009 23:50

The success of a LARP is usually measured in its attendance. If 60 people show up to your game on a regular basis, you are successful beyond your wildest dreams. If 30 people show, you're doing really well. If 15 people are your regular attendees, you're not doing half bad. If 6 people come, you might as well pack up and start a table top game.

That being said, that is the measure of "success" in LARP. But what makes a good game, in your opinion? Is it the attendees? Plot? The quality of roleplay?

As my local Cam friends are already doubtlessly aware, this is partially in response to this. The quality of Sonoma Requiem has been called into question, and I'm curious to know people's opinions.

By all means, even if you are not a LARPer or a member of the Cam, speak up. I'm looking for all comers here.


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