May 05, 2006 09:37
Today started off really well for the most part, despite the fact I need to memorize I speech that I only know ONE LINE of by 6 period and study for a quiz that I have in 5th. The joy. IDK HOW I'm going to do it, if it's even possible. It goes without saying that I'm PRAYING for 2:30 to come around. Anyhow, I had two extremely opposing discussions in 2nd period[ I surprisingly haven't engaged in one of those in a while], and it sucks that the 3 people involved that I've known for YEARS.. I felt for those few moments I didn't know at all in a way. For one, the first discussion delt with racism & prejudism.
One of my friends said she wouldn't marry someone who was Black because.. she didn't want to "mess up" her childs lifev.I honestly don't know how I DIDN'T SCREAM, to be honest with you. I take pride in my self control I guess lol. Now, I would sympathize if she said she knows how hard it is for Bi-racial kids [not because of their hair type -_- but for legitimate motives] and that she wouldn't want them to suffer because they do suffer, in particular circumstances, but that it wouldn't change who she would marry. However, she didn't say that & what she did indeed say was extremely prejudice. I'm probably the most non-racist person you will ever meet. EVER. I'm the type of person that.. enters essay contests for the Holocaust & shit lol. All ethnicities are equal and no one is better than anyone. I understand that.. people have preferences in terms of what attracts them or not. I HAVE preferences. Everyone does. That does not justify the fact that you can't control who you care about. The moment I said that she rebuttled with "yes you CAN control who you care about." WTF. I was already fuming at this point but I sustained my composure. If that's how the world functioned, I promise you it wouldn't be as fucked up or miserable as it is today. Things happen. You can't dominate everything and when you love someone, NONE of those "preferences",or any barrier for that matter, harbor any significance AT ALL. Let's just say any sort of ignorance definitely pushes my buttons.
It sucks though because these are people I care about that feel this way.
It's apparent that I have a really strong character, and I always have and will. And I'm extremely proud of that. I just believe I'm right 99% of the time. Fuck it, I think I'm right 100% of the time lol [on SOME subjects, I'll be the first to admit I DON'T KNOW EVERYTHING, obviously]. That's because what I believe is right, can be supported with facts and true beliefs. I usually win every arguement, but that doesn't mean I'm not open-minded to the other person's opinion because celebrating eachothers individuality is one of the greatest things we have and take for granted. I just despise when people don't open up THEIR minds when I'm very willing to do the same. Talk about wishful thinking, lol. Very idealistic, I know. /Sigh. I guess you can say I wish people were more like me.. and maybe the world would be a better place. I KNOW I sound contradicting when I say I love individuality & then protest for people to be more like me. But I mean that for people to.. be more open minded, not necessarily believing everything I do. People think I debate because I enjoy fighting. & I don't, even though I can empathize completely with that theory because it comes off that way. I just.. enjoy discussing things and making that person perceive something from a differing perspective. If everyone was the same, how terrible & mundane would everything be? [ and I suppose thats why ignorance exists ]The answer is immensely terrible. I LOVE individuality and someone who embraces being different and their identity. Probably one of the best qualities anyone can ever have. Because when we die, it doesn't matter if you were the president of the United States, or if you were an employee at McDonalds. If you had character, and embraced it.. if you were true to YOURSELF and your beliefs[..beliefs with true legitimacy -_-], then you lived a fufilled life, my friend.
& then I wonder why everyone wants me to be a Lawyer. ha. But THIS is why I want to be a writer.
WOW. Long as hell. Um.. yeah. Lol. :)
I haven't written an entry with actual substance in while. and YES it was for a certain tall, lip-ring wearing, gumby-like boy. And.. I honestly thing just knowing him, and experiencing all the things I have thus far with him, has made me enforce all of the things I mentioned here, all of my beliefs, everything basically. Best part about it is.. he probably has no idea lol. Not like I didn't feel what I feel about those beliefs before because I did, and rather strongly of course. But.. he has made that much more of an impact. & for someone.. to make a POSITIVE impact, ON ME? Well, I hold that person very fuckin' high in my book. Wow.. whos? gay? ::raises hand:: haha. Anywho, Feel special ho :D. MWA to joo. You better have read this shit -_- Have a nice day, yo. :p