Generation 7.5

Sep 05, 2007 09:37

I'm not dead! I have however, been incredibly busy with school which explains why I've not properly updated since July. This in itself is a very short update, but I figured I'd post now rather than wait until November. Yes, November. Expect the next update then, but don't expect this update to be filled with witty jewels of wisdom or anything. I haven't played in forever and therefore have almost forgotten everything to do with my sims :(

Heidi kind of sucks at the whole vampire thing. Get it? Sucks? LAME.

So the Countess or whatever she's called went totally psycho on the dorm and attacked this poor guy.

"1, 1 apple. 2, 2 apples. 3, 3 apples! Yes 3, 3 apples! AH AH AH AH AH."
~*~thunder and lightning~*~

Sorry honey, you are no Lestat.

You bring the lolz, though. All this vampirism is bringing back childhood memories of those cheesy movies with muppets such as Labyrinth and The Dark Crystal and The Neverending Story.

It's not all sucking blood and stalking and sleeping in coffins. Vampires are big on environmental issues too, you know.

"OMG don't you know? Wizards are out, vampires are soooo in right now!"

Yet it's all getting a little too much for me. You will forever be Count von Count in my heart, my dear.

Heidi can stay, for a little while. She makes a lovely vamp.

Oh, this is classic. I've never witnessed a 'leap into arms' gone wrong before.

What did you expect her to do? She's no ~*~Superwoman~*~

Aidan can deal with that, though.

This picture is kind of unnecessary. Umm. I like Jay's hair.

It's time.

See you on the flipside, dudemeister! Not.
Lol wtf was that?

Welcome back Dull!Heidi.

Marcus is still alive by the way, and still without a shirt.

Bitch please. That boy made you what you are today.

"So my brother...


my grandmother! Best gossip ever, amirite?"
No. But sims come up with really creepy things sometimes.

Congratulations, you're the next van Gogh! Now all you have to do is cut off your ear! Or maybe even your beak-like nose!

This picture is also kind of pointless. I'm sure at the time I was going to make some star comment about that weird training guy that comes in and forces people to exercise sometimes. Right now all I can come up with though is: Marcus and Aidan are workin' on their fitness... so delicious :(

I'm pretty sure that nobody let the cafeteria lady sit down and socialise with Reject Goth. Where is Marcus at a time like this to put his cafeteria skillz to the test?

Getting macked on by a llama, of course.

I'm pretty sure those aren't meant to be there anymore. GIRLFRIEND HAS DEFIED ALL THE LAWS OF VAMPIRISM. TAKE THAT, SUCKERS. Get it? Suckers?

Aidan is still a smooth operator.

This girl was depressed for some reason. Probably because he got up in her grill before for liking wizards. But it's ok, Aidan knows how to comfort a girl.

All for his advantage, of course!

Uh oh.

She's looking like New York aka Tiffany Pollard. Lol, I love that crazy woman though.

She's about to choke a bitch.

Anyway, Heidi graduates.

Heir, of course. Because I haven't had a female heir in a while. Plus she's gorgeous and has a better LTW than the other two but I can't remember it at the moment. Nor do I have stats but I'll post them next time.

For now I will leave you with this :)

generation 7

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