Let's begin with Tammy doing what she does best.
Oh hey there, Bianca. I see that you continue to fail at life.
She goes outside to cry about her mishap to one of the fruit trees. Because we all know fruit trees listen and understand, right?
A+ parenting skills. It seems Mikaela was put aside so that Tammy could do...
this. Her maturity is enviable.
Apparently Remington hates Tammy, enough to steal their invisible newspaper. YOU'RE FIRED, REMINGTON.
I never got around to that.
You mean Bianca is actually capable of doing something right for once? *waits for the earth to implode*
Remus is all GTFO of my lounge room D:
"This is for not making me heir LOLOL me funny."
Die Joseph kthx.
Addison died instead. I wish. Jks jks *cough*
Tammy wanted a bird. They were all intensely gaudy looking so I settled on a dull grey one. He looked like a pigeon, so I named him Pidgeoto. After the Pokemon. Ooh yeah.
Birthday time!
Oh hey there, little Mikaela. You're looking fierce.
Remus is all GTFO of my food bowl D:
This is the first lightning I've ever caught a picture of. I'm so proud.
Nice eyes, Tammy. Taking drugs while pregnant is too classy.
So is licking the plates and then devouring them.
The only person who came to watch Tammy's labour was Bianca, her archnemesis. That gesture perhaps makes the title archnemesis totally void. Your relationship is too confusing!
It's a boy, Eric. He has Sam's skintone and eyes, and Tammy's hair. Awwwkwarrrrd.
Everyone is obsessed with this bird. Sam wanted to teach it how to talk, so what does he do? Talks about politics...
and recycling...
and global warming. Seriously Sam, it's a bird, not Al Gore. See that gold bar? It wants to be a pirate, Sam, a pirate.
Nothing to do at a time like this... but strut.
Remus leads a glamorous life. Ooh, the flossy flossy.
LTW! I'm sorry Sam, but Criminal Masterminds don't have happy smiles. Try a grimace next time!
"Talk about eye tests with someone your own age kthxbai!"
"Did you know, Addison, that there are 132 rooms, 35 bathrooms and 6 levels in the White House?"
"Wouldn't you rather talk about pirating the seven seas?"
Iknorite, Addison?
Mikaela grew up, apparently this is the best news ever.
You're cute.
She made a beeline for the bird, though.
New house. The old one kept crashing every 2 seconds as a result of a large lot and a slightly incompatible graphics card, so we moved down a size or several.
BATMOBILE! Or not. But anyways, here's SamMan and MikaelaKid in their vehicle of choice.
Tammy got fat. This is a frequent occurrence these days.
Eric grew up. Don't worry, I forgot about him too.
So good to see you inherited your mother's more annoying tendencies, Mikaela.
She likes her little brother a whole lot though. He's so ~precious and fragile~
No Sam. No.
Mikaela was desperate to sell lemonade.
No one was desperate to buy some from her though.
Tammy earned a heap of cash and feels the need to do this.
Two points here:
1. Bianca, honey, you're too old to play dolls.
2. Mikaela, you've got a door wedged in your back. Painful y/n?
Tammy was bragging to Bianca about god knows what. It got a positive reaction from Bianca though. I don't get your relationship, guys!
I'm sorry, Addison, whut?
Pidgeoto died randomly. He was probably too stressed out from deciding whether to eat hydroponically grown foods and driving canola fueled cars.
Tammy responded to his death by throwing a tantrum by his cage.
Bianca, you are creepy.
I'm serious.
Mikaela likes to show off. I assume she inherited this from Tammy, too. Anyway, get used to it.
Is that a 4 year old reading a difficult book? Oh, my bad, it's just Tammy.
She then managed to set the kitchen on fire, leaving something in the microwave to use the hot tub. Too smart.
Sam on the other hand, is smart. He knows to avert his eyes in awkward situations.
So she's done a handstand, it's time to show off her cartwheel skills to some random kid.
They should join the cheerleading squad. Bianca's booty and flesh-coloured panties are also making an appearance.
"I love books and school, don't you?"
"I like ships and boats and when I'm old I'm gonna join the navy because the Village People told me to!"
Mikaela, sitting in risque positions is no way to get a boy to agree with you.
This time Tammy didn't make a heap of cash, nor did she get a promotion. She just likes to do this, I figured.
It sucks when your only customer is your grandad.
Could we just cut to the part where you guys rip each others' hair out already?
Excuse me, Mikaela, but the audience would like to see some new material. Your hair is defying gravity, by the way.
Whatever. Has anyone else noticed they spend way too much time in the bathroom together?
That's better, Mikaela, a roll! She doesn't care if her audience is asleep while she shows off either. As long as she wakes them up, she's done her job.
"I used to have a bird but the weight of the world crushed his shoulders and we found him two weeks later rotting in a green cloud in his cage!"
Is it any surprise that little Sterling seems to be turned off his food?
We get it Tammy, you're good at your job. Stop now.
Eric became a little boy. He's cute.
Deja vu, anyone?
Hello, child prodigy.
Mikaela bribes NavyKid to be her friend by giving him three Elixirs of Life. She wants him to stay ~*~forever young~*~
I love Sam, but Eric is a boring kid. All he does is dream he's the next Mozart and follow everybody trying to make them play catch. He's not even half as obnoxious as his sister.
Tammy has found herself a new enemy in Jenny from the Block.
She's frowning with her eyes.
We can add this dog to the ever growing list of Tammy haters.
This one, too.
Riverdance, much? Still got those slick moves from teenhood, Sammy.
Tammy and Binca are sharing some awesome joke. Ugh.
Mikaela became a teen. Girl, you're crazy cute. She rolled romance. Fitting, in my opinion.
This will probably be the last update for ages, what with me heading back to uni in a few days. I'll miss these guys, but I'll try and fit in some play time somewhere. Expect an update a long time from now! Thanks for reading :)