A Lovely Night to be Surprised

Feb 25, 2013 00:40

Something I wrote for RaTs...

Title: A Lovely Night to be Surprised
Author: Ashton Albright
Prompts: Vanilla #30 (cloudy/star-gazing), Chocolate #26 (nostalgia), and Milk Chocolate #20 (surprise)
Rating: G, not really anything just something implied...
Summary: Staring at the sky thinking thoughts of you...

The warm air of the night fingered my hair. It drove the strand across my face in dance that I couldn’t hope to understand but felt as if I knew. I watched the sky as a cloud, in that lazy way clouds can, caressed the moon in passing. I wondered for a moment if the moon missed the touch of cloud the way I missed the touch of your hands.

The stars are bright tonight. I lay back to watch them wink through the summer air. I know it’s a fleeting moment that we had, but I can’t help to think on it. I dwell on the feel of you next to me. I remember the gentle way you held me. I remember how it once was under the moon with you.

The wind picks up its dance partners once again. The grass is cool beneath me tonight. I lay lost below a cloudy night’s sky lost in the nostalgia that was you and I.

My eyes are closed and my thoughts are far away. No one knows about this place save for you, me, and the animals so the rustle of a bush doesn’t alarm me. The snap of a twig doesn’t excite me. The sound of your voice though scares me half to death. For one moment I think that I have gone insane from loneliness. You say one word into the air of the night; you barely whisper it, “Surprise…”

I am up in running before I realize I have moved. I put my faith in my eyes that you are real and jump into your arms. I expect to fall into the woods since you can’t be here. You are stationed on a ship halfway across the world. You can’t be here just inches from me in our secret woods.

You catch me taking me back to the middle were we can get the best view of the stars, well where one of us can get the best view of stars…..

rats, challenge

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