
Feb 24, 2013 17:32

It was a scary idea to consider. I set a pot of water on the burner right after I took the blasted test. I didn’t want to take it. I don’t want to see it. He is trying to contain himself but I know he is excited. He held me last night as I cried for hours. My anger had finally broken last night and the fear hiding behind it had come forward. What if the test showed I wasn’t? What if something went wrong? There was so many ‘what ifs’ to consider if the thing showed positive. The shield of anger had come back this morning but he knew it was fear. It is really hard to be mad when someone knows you are really just scared.

The water came to a boil rather quickly. He passed me the tea bags without a word. He had said that he wouldn’t look at the results until I had the nerve to look at them with him. I dropped them in the water and let them soak for a couple of minutes. He sat anxiously waiting on me to move. The tea reached the color I enjoyed. I poured myself a cup of it hot. Another cup was poured over ice for him. I wrapped my hands around the mug and I turned my back to him.

The chair moved and his arms slid around me. He muttered in my eye about nothing to fear because he would always be here with me. He would never leave my side whether I was making tea or having his children, he would be there.

I took a sip of tea feeling the warmth all the way down. I nodded my head towards the door. He let me go and took my hand as we entered the room to see the results of little plastic life changing stick.

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