vonquixote for that one.
Not that i think he's wrong. i mean, think about it.
Now think about it some more. Think about the catsuit. Think about the crazy. Think about the FeetTM. Think about the bending. Think about tiny Summer Glau in the arms of hulking Christian Bale. Think about
Summer Glau Beating Up Everyone.
Also, Jason Todd for first Robin.
i know it's meant to be Dick first, but Dick really isn't movie-fodder. Even in 'Batman and Robin' Dick is very Jason-flavoured (the whole bike racing thing y/y?).
Plus, Jason is very Nolan-verse. The kid gets caught nicking the wheels off the Batmobile, for fuck's sake*.
i can picture him lounging around the BatCaveCargo Container, chewin' the fat with Alfred, watching the Bats get his ass handed to him by Catwoman on the big bad GothamTV video wall.
JT: So, I'm thinking... sports bra.
A: I can't say I've really thought about it, Mister Todd.
JT: Huh? I think about it every night.
*Deer Mister Nolan, sir,
We 'ave sum notions for yur considu concind next film.
Things We Wud Like to See
Summer Glau playing Catwoman,
Summer Glau kicking everyone's ass,
Jason Todd,
The Riddler (played by David Tennent),
The Riddler being a BAMF-nerd,