Разоблачения режима

Aug 17, 2010 22:39

Иногда представителям израильского режима стоило бы помолчать.-) Циничные откровения израильских политиков о стратегии в отношении Палестины. Этнические чистки.

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Israeli Confessions

For the list of sources of the quotes please go to: http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note...

If one wants to know why and how the conflict started in Palestine more than 60 years ago, the "confessions" of Israeli and Zionist leaders should make it very clear. 700,000 Palestinians (more than half of the Palestinian population at the time) were expelled in 1948.

More than 600 towns and villages were ethnically cleansed. Thousands were killed and maimed.

mossad, israel, zionist, политика

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