Always Shout Fire - A Glee Fanfic, Chapter 22/25

May 28, 2011 18:21

Title: Always Shout Fire
Chapter: 22/?

Author: AshtakRa

Fandom: Glee

Pairing: Kurt/Puck, mention of Sam/Blaine

Warnings: Adult themes, some violence and bad language and set in season 2

Spoilers: Spoilers for up to Duets

Summary: Kurt decides further investigation is needed regarding the Puckerman situation. He is both surprised and shocked to find his former nemesis brought low and how it changes them from team mates, to friends and perhaps...

Previous chapter: ( Chapter 21 )

This Chapter:

Chapter 22

The Winter Ball part 1

Upon entering Puck immediately noted that the room was divided into several groups.

In true McKinley fashion the Winter Ball had been set up in the sports auditorium; they had not even bothered to remove the basketball hoops. To the left and using the seats instead of dancing were the bulk of the Glee group, along with their extended family of the IT clubbers, band members and a surprising variety of others, including many athletes obviously not concerned with the risk to their social standing. Directly opposite, on the side where the tables were situated stood the hockey players, their groupies and a few footballers still not comfortable with the truce Schue and Beiste had organised between the groups. They were glaring daggers at the Glee club members and laughing amongst themselves as they made threatening gestures every time a teacher's back was turned.


In between these polar opposites were almost the rest of the people, dancing and talking and laughing. They were either unaware of the tension or didn't care and Puck was jealous.

What he wouldn't give to have been able to walk in here and just dance with Kurt without worrying about anything. He mentally winced as he found himself wishing that they could just be 'normal' and much as he knew in his heart they were perfectly normal there was a lifetime of surviving in this bigoted school social system to overcome.

"Hey," Kurt's voice soothed his raging thoughts and his smile told Puck that his boyfriend knew exactly what he was stressing over. "Let's join our friends." Kurt dragged him by the hand to where Rachel was talking the ear off Brad, who had managed to wear a surprisingly fashionable yellow plaid bow tie and vest ensemble.

"And if you just spoke up more during rehearsals then I wouldn't have to berate you after performances - Kurt! Noah!" she almost screamed, interrupting whatever response Brad was about to give, which from his expression may be a good thing. As Rachel gave him a hug Puck saw Brad slip away; he nodded at the pianist in understanding.

Then she was poking him in the chest. "You-are-late mister, can't you tell we need your bad-boy presence to counter the goon squad over there?"

He shrugged. "Chill Berry, besides I don't think my badass-ness has the same impact anymore."

"Works for me," grinned Kurt, pecking Rachel on both cheeks.

"Yes well," smiled Rachel. "Been there almost did that."

"You snooze, you lose," laughed Kurt and his happiness was contagious. They'd been through so much in such a short time and at times Puck felt guilty for dragging Kurt down into such miserable territory but to see him shine like this made it all worthwhile. He didn't even think about it and grabbed his boyfriend, dipping him and kissing him ferociously. Kurt only squeaked an initial protest before joining the program. The noise around them faded from Puck's awareness and it was only him and Kurt; their breathing and very heartbeats seemed to match. The feel of Kurt's lips on his was magical, electric just like all those stories said it should be. Only minutes ago Puck had told Kurt he loved him, now he was showing him and he knew they both felt it.

He pulled back but kept their faces close as they returned to a standing position. In his periphery Puck could tell their performance had certainly gained attention. He laughed and pecked Kurt's lips for good measure. "Just so no-one's left in any doubt about us," he whispered.

"I don't think there's any danger of that," Kurt said breathlessly and his cheek's reddened adoringly. "Just so you know I would have been satisfied with a dance."

"The Puckosaur always exceeds expectations." That earned him an eye-roll but Kurt said nothing more and linked their arms, with Rachel on the other side he led them to the main group.

He could not see Finn but Quinn was seated and speaking quietly with Santana and Brit. Mike and Tina were chatting with some of the football players and there were a few people Puck didn't recognise but by their high quality suits and perfect hair Puck guessed Blaine had not come alone from Dalton Academy. Where Blaine was Puck had no idea so he sidled up to Sam who was staring off across the room, his expression grim.

"Dude what's up?"

"Apparently you can brutally bash a classmate and still attend dances," muttered Sam, his eyes not leaving whatever people he was looking at. Following his gaze Puck could see a group of hockey players and some guys he wasn't sure even went to school smirking back their way.

Puck's eye twitched and he knew he was probably squeezing Kurt's hand too hard. "Those pricks make any move and we're all here to protect you." Sam ducked his head in thanks but did touch his bruised jaw absently. Puck knew the guy was no coward and would face them again if he had to - but it had to be hard to see the people who had hurt him standing there as if they had nothing to answer for. Purposely moving to block Sam's view of the goon squad Puck waggled his eyebrows. "Shouldn't you be on the look out for someone else?"

Sam's instant expression change from pouting teen to goofy grinning idiot was almost too cute and Puck had to flick a glance at Kurt, just in case his boyfriend could read his mind and didn't want him thinking of other guys as cute.

"He went to get us drinks, I was barely in the door before he came and said hello," Sam's eyes lit up as he spoke and Puck knew those two would be properly together by the end of the night. "I think he was more nervous than me and I was so anxious I called him Brain."

"Alright Pinky," soothed Kurt, taking Sam's arm and sitting him down. "Just breathe and we can strategize over who leads your first dance."

Puck let them go and continued to survey the room. He could tell that many people were looking their way but trying to not make it obvious. Not being a paranoid person Puck wasn't too worried but tried to imagine if it would be like this all the time - would every day he and Kurt were together be like they were on show? If so could they ever hope to just be themselves? He mentally shrugged - whatever happened they'd been through worse. Walking over to Mike he asked him if he'd seen where Finn went. Before Mike could answer Puck sensed trouble and spun around, half-a-dozen girls and guys stood in a row before their group. He didn't know any of them even though they seemed to be school age. They didn't say anything to begin with and just stood staring and Puck felt his gut turn over - this was not going to be good.

One of them, a girl with long brown hair that seriously needed a brush, marched forward and looked at him like he was a bit of road kill that had been festering for days.

"Fags," she hissed. "Should burn in hell." She opened up the jacket to reveal a white t-shirt, with a picture of a rainbow flag in flames. For the second time tonight all sound around Puck seemed to fall away and he just stared at the image. He looked up at her face.

Could someone really hate so much? Her face said yes and as the rest of her group took off their jackets to reveal similar shirts her hatred was shared. Seeing all this was like ice-water rushing down Puck's spine. It was one thing to know there were people who had such views but it was another to have it in his face. This wasn't some news report or blog - it was real and it was most definitely happening to him. He looked to Kurt for answers because while Puck could handle bullies and jocks who wanted to pick on weaker people he had no idea what to do here.

Kurt did not let him down and strutted over, poignantly ignoring the homophobic remarks thrown at him by the small group. He leaned into Puck, crossed his arms and gave the girl a once over. "Honey," he said, addressing Puck and acting like the girl and her group no longer existed. "I want to dance."

Puck grinned from ear to ear and held out his arm. "Lead the way princess."

They walked right through the group, daring them to stand their ground - the hateful half-dozen faltered and moved to let them through, with Kurt leading. Puck felt pride burst through his heart; he had the biggest bad-ass boyfriend ever!

The group tried to follow and taunt them but were swallowed by the rest of the Glee club and everyone in the area joining Puck and Kurt on the dance floor. A top 50 number was playing so they danced along trying to act like nothing was wrong but for all their acting Puck sensed the tension. As he turned around he saw the haters join another group by the front door who were holding banners with similar slogans to the shirts. There was an old guy leading them in a priest collar and Puck shook his head - of course this had been arranged by some local fundamentalist Church. At least the goon squad were not joining them, from what Puck could see they seemed just as surprised as all the other students in the room - he knew those kids in the shirts seemed unfamiliar, they didn't even go to their school. As they tried to keep dancing the church group's chants grew louder and some students started to shout at them to shut up and get out.

This could get ugly real quick and Puck did a quick check of the people around him to make sure they could exit as a group if needed. He held Kurt tightly and forced a smile - this was not the night of gentle 'outing' he had in mind. He had expected some comments, some slurs and mocking from the more homophobic students but not this outright hate from a group that had specifically organised themselves to disrupt the dance. Shouts grew louder as the anti-gay group raised their voices and were matched by a good number of the student body trying to shout them down. At least that was a good sign but Puck knew how quick such a thing could turn around and checked for the twentieth time where the nearest exit was.

Where were the damned teachers and why hadn't they shut down the protestors yet? He saw a few of the faculty trying to talk with the preacher but the others had disappeared - why was he not surprised? As a gap opened in the crowd, which was getting increasingly unsettled, he saw Mr Schuester making his way towards the hate group with Figgins in tow. That made him feel a little better but he doubted they would have any more luck. It would probably take the cops to remove these people and they may not even turn up unless things got out of hand. As the shouting grew louder Puck felt his chest tighten and breathing suddenly seemed difficult. It shouldn't happen like this, all the work he'd put in with the anti-bullying and he couldn't even protect the people he loved at one school dance. Tears sprung to his eyes but at least he managed to get air to his lungs - this just wasn't right. He hung his head and barely moved to the music as the feeling of uselessness built within him.

"Hey!" Kurt virtually shouted in his ear and his hand forced Puck's head up to make eye contact. "Don't you do that," warned Kurt. "A few nutjobs can't bring us down okay."

"Is it always going to be this way," muttered Puck. "Will it always have to be us against them?"

"I don't know about that," said Kurt with a smile as he cocked his head to look over Puck's shoulder. "Sometimes people surprise you."

Turning around Puck felt sure his jaw would hit the ground. Over by the hate group stood Karofsky and by his side like always Azimio - jabbing their fingers at the preacher and then pointing at the door. He smiled, who would have thought it possible? Just as he figured maybe he should go back up his former teammates a group of the goon squad beat him to it.

"Shit," he swore. "This is gonna be bad."

Amazingly though the goon squad moved to stand by Karofsky and Azimio, their body language saying they were also telling the hate group to get out.

"What the hell?"

"I have no idea," answered Kurt. "Karofsky I can believe but those guys?"

"You can thank Blaine," said Sam, joining the couple and dragging a blushing Blaine along. "You should have seen it - went straight up and asked them what they thought of the banners and why they weren't backing up their classmates - none of them said they agreed with those slogans but they went on about free speech," Sam smiled and gave Blaine a one armed hug. "So he said fair enough, maybe next time they'll turn up with ones saying women are just property and that black Americans should be moved to separate schools. It was so awesome."

"You're exaggerating," said Blaine, still blushing. "I just tried to put it in perspective."

"Well it worked, well done Blaine," said Kurt.

"Won't be enough," shrugged Blaine. "I've seen these types before - they picket funerals for goodness sake."

"Short of violence what else can we do?" asked Sam.

All the lights suddenly went out and the music stopped. After a few seconds just the lights at the top seats came on, showing Finn and Artie surrounded by the band members.

"Sorry to interrupt the dancing," announced Finn, using a microphone that easily drowned out the yelling and shouting from the opposing groups. "We'll play a song shortly but first I really need to speak with all the McKinley High students here tonight." He waited a few seconds as almost everyone turned and looked up to where he was. "Thanks guys," he said in that typical Finn fashion that somehow made everyone like him. The hate group were continuing to chant but the sound system was far too powerful for them to overcome.

"I'm a lucky guy," continued Finn. "I've got a lot of friends… but I only ever had one best friend." He grinned down at Puck as Kurt squeezed his hand and leaned into him - Puck knew that he must be smiling like an idiot. "And two times I've almost lost him - most recently it was cancer, but the first time," Finn paused and his smile faded. "The first time was all my fault. He came to me with a secret, one which should have cemented the bond we've had since childhood but instead I allowed my fear, and my ignorance, to destroy it. But like I said, I'm a lucky guy - because I got him back. I can't change what happened, but neither can I ignore the fact that I spent so much time blaming him when I should have been standing by his side in support." The ceiling lights were coming back on but only on a low setting. "Puck, I'm sorry - ." Finn hesitated, looking like he'd forgotten what to say but Puck knew him better and could tell he was fighting back tears. "You always called me your boy - and if I'd listened properly I would have known you were letting me know you loved me, so I love you too man."

Puck chuckled, only Finn could say that and make it not sound gay.

"But enough about me," Finn's smile returned. "We've had a good year McKinley - we've won games, singing comps, jazz recitals," he nodded to the band members around him as the crowd cheered. "And made national headlines." A wave of muttering cut out the cheers. "Oh!" exclaimed Finn, putting on his stupid face. "We're not proud of that?" more murmurings met his words. "So does anyone here, once they've left McKinley, want to be known to have come from that school? You know, the one famous for bullying? No?" He searched the room but it was silent, even the hate group had stopped making noise. "Then how about doing something about it!" shouted Finn. "Stop waiting for someone else to change things… and change it yourselves - would you like to make headlines for something good?" A chorus of 'yes' filled the room. "Then from this moment make it different," continued Finn. "Stop the bullying, stop the hate. No-one is saying we all have to be friends, but is it too hard to just be friendly?" Finn pointed at Puck. "I stuffed up big time but got a second chance - but it wasn't until I accepted how wrong I was until that could happen." He stopped again and Puck was sure you could hear a pin drop, Finn had their total and utter attention. "I want everyone right now to put up their hand if they want to change, put up your hand if you want zero tolerance on bullying and hate at McKinley High - let it be our choice to make this happen… let's take responsibility for our own actions." Finn put up his hand. "Who's with me?"

Just about everyone Puck could see put their hands up immediately. Through the crowd he saw some stragglers take a few seconds but eventually it certainly seemed like every hand was in the air; pretty impressive since not everyone here was actually a student of the school. He didn't have to look to see if the hate group had their hands up, that would be asking too much. Hearing laughter though he did turn and laughed himself, two of the haters had their hands in the air to the embarrassment of the rest of the group.

"Okay!" shouted Finn. "Let's consider that a win and get on with some dancing - hit it guys."

The jazz band started up with a blues beat and Finn slipped on a fedora hat and sunglasses that matched his dark suit. As he started talking before singing Puck realised the need for the accessories and shouted his approval - he loved the Blues Brothers and wondered if that had helped Finn's song choice.

"We're so glad to see so many of you lovely people here tonight and we would especially like to welcome all the representatives of the West Lima Baptist Church who have chosen to join us here for the Winter Ball at this time. We do sincerely hope you'll all enjoy the show and please remember people, that no matter who you are and what you do to live, thrive and survive, there're still some things that make us all the same. You, me, them, everybody… everybody."

The band revved up the beat and the song started properly. Not hesitating Puck grabbed Kurt around the waist and started dancing up close and personal.

"Everybody needs somebody
Everybody needs somebody to love, someone to love (Someone to love)
Sweetheart to miss (Sweetheart to miss)
Sugar to kiss (Sugar to kiss)
I need you, you, you (You, you, you)
I need you, you, you (You, you, you)
I need you, you, you (You, you, you) in the morning (I need) (You, you, you)
When my souls on fire (I need) (You, you, you)
Sometimes I feel, I feel a little sad inside
When my baby mistreats me, I never, never, never have a place to hide
I need you."

The crowd cheered as Finn sang, with Artie helping along on the chorus and bass notes. As he spun himself and Kurt around Puck could see everyone coupled up as you would expect. Some surprises included Mercedes and Karofsky and Quinn with Azimio. Puck laughed as he realized how soon the night had turned from terrible to awesome - and how it was all thanks to his friends and loved ones.

"Sometimes I feel, I feel a little sad inside
When my baby mistreats me, I never, never, never have a place to hide
I need you, you, you
I need you, you, you (I need you)
I need you, you, you (I need you)
I need you, you, you (I need you)
(I need you) I need you;

"You know people when you do find somebody
Hold that woman, hold that man
Love him, please him, squeeze her, please her, hold her
Squeeze and please that person, give 'em all your love
Signify your feelings with every gentle caress (Signify)
Because it's so important to have that special somebody
To hold (Hold), kiss (Kiss), miss (Miss), squeeze (Squeeze) and please (Please)…

"Everybody needs somebody (I need you)
Everybody needs somebody to love (Everybody), someone to love (Needs somebody)
Sweetheart to miss (Everybody)
Sugar to kiss (Needs somebody)
I need you, you, you (You, you, you)
I need you, you, you (You, you, you)
I need you, you, you (You, you, you)
I need you, you, you (You, you, you)
I need you, you, you (Everybody)
I need you, you, you (Needs somebody)
I need you, you, you (Everybody)
I need you, you, you (Needs somebody)
In the morning (Everybody)
When my souls on fire (Needs somebody)
When I need that woman of mine (Everybody)
I need you, you, you, you (Needs somebody)
I need you, you, you, you (Everybody)
I need you, you, you (Needs somebody)
I need you!."

The room erupted in cheers and calls for an encore. Puck almost checked to see what had happened to the church group but decided he didn't care, not when he had the love of his life in his arms and ready for a thorough kissing.

He didn't disappoint.


story: always shout fire, fandom: glee, pairing: kurt/puck

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