Always Shout Fire - A Glee Fanfic, Chapter 14/?

Jan 29, 2011 12:25

Title: Always Shout Fire
Chapter: 14/?

Author: AshtakRa

Fandom: Glee

Pairing: Kurt/Puck

Warnings: Adult themes (now with smut), language and set in season 2

Spoilers: Spoilers for up to Duets

Summary: Kurt decides further investigation is needed regarding the Puckerman situation.  He is both surprised and shocked to find his former nemesis brought low and how it changes them from team mates, to friends and perhaps...

Previous Chapters: ( Chapter 1 ) ( Chapter 2 ) ( Chapter 3 ) ( Chapter 4 ) ( Chapter 5 ) ( Chapter 6 ) ( Chapter 7 ) ( Chapter 8 ) ( Chapter 9 ) ( Chapter 10 ) ( Chapter 11 ) ( Chapter 12 ) ( Chapter 13 )

Some of your reviews have been truly inspiring, as a reward here be smut... you have been warned.


Puck's back at school but Kurt’s changed schools - which kind of sucks for everyone since Puck now has a mission to stop the bullying and expects everyone to help him.  Kurt and Puck are now together, like officially or something.  Puck also had a vision of Kurt getting hurt but hasn’t told anyone, because you know, crazy much?  And that's what you missed on - Always Shout Fire.]

Chapter 14

From: mountainjew

[why am i waiting in the park…alone:(]

From: homosapienhomo

[such a baby - be there soon]

Clutching his phone Puck scowled and took another look around.  Kurt had told him to be here so here he was.  He should have asked but sometimes Kurt just had that ability to forestall questions… actually scratch the sometimes.

There was a revving sound in the distance and Puck recognised the sound of a motorcycle.

“No way,” he muttered to himself.  Sure enough a dark figure came roaring across the park on an off-road motorcycle and it was hard to believe that it was Kurt.  Clad in a red and black leather ensemble, with matching helmet of course, Kurt would not have been out of place at a motor-cross rally.  His physique was slim but not tiny, of a height with Puck (actually he had an inch on him now but Puck refused to admit that) and with his head hidden there was no way to tell the guy under that gear had a delicate featured face that belonged on the cover of magazines.  Yes, Puck would admit to thinking that - it was his boyfriend after all.

Coming to a stop Kurt popped the clutch, killing the engine instantly.  He removed the helmet in one fluid motion and flicked his hair back, smirking at Puck and raising an eyebrow.  This wasn’t just something Kurt had decided to do today, his comfort on that bike and the way his legs straddled the chassis told Puck he was very practiced on this type of vehicle.

Crossing his arms Puck couldn’t help but shake his head and laugh.  “Just full of surprises aren’t you princess?”

Kurt gently stroked the throttle.  “I have always wanted to name him but could never quite find the right one.”


“Noah,” Kurt stated, as if reprimanding a child.  “My car can be a lady but this…” his hand moved down to caress the fuel tank and Puck felt the blood rush to his groin at the sight.  “This magnificent machine is all man,” he leered, actually leering better than Puck thought possible.  “And he was designed to be ridden like one.”

Puck was fairly certain his jaw had hit the ground.

“You want to give it a go?” asked Kurt rather innocently.

“I, er - I mean I thought we’d lead up to that but-.”

“Puck,” interrupted Kurt.  “Did you want to give the bike a go?”

Okay, the ground swallowing him up right now would be a good thing.  How could Kurt manage to turn him into a tongue tied little girl?

“I don’t know how,” he said lamely.

“What?” Kurt feigned surprise.  “The great and mighty Puck, king bad ass of Lima, has never ridden a motorcycle?”

Puck walked closer and grabbed a quick kiss, Kurt unable to avoid it while sitting on the bike.  Not that Puck thought he would try to.  “You know I haven’t.”

“Yes of course,” said Kurt, as if only just remembering.  Puck knew they had discussed this during his days following the drug treatment.  They’d spend literally days talking about things and Puck’s wish to ride had been one of them.  Kurt’s obvious experience on one had never come up, Kurt must have been wanting to save it as a surprise.

“How is it daddy Hummel allowed his precious baby boy to ride one of these things?” Puck suddenly asked.

“Oh, well my Dad’s always been about reducing risk rather than avoiding it,” Kurt said, taking one of Puck’s hands on his own gloved one.  “When I turned thirteen it was obvious I had a thing for powerful yet small engines when we went to the go-carts - and he knew my thirst for it would lead to something as dangerous as motorcycles, so instead of banning me he made sure I got some proper training.  Been doing it ever since.”

“Finn’s never mentioned it, and its something he could never keep secret,” challenged Puck.

“Yeah,” smirked Kurt.  “He doesn’t know.”


Finn soon found out and Kurt laughed behind his helmet as the tall teen’s eyes practically bulged out of his head.

They had ridden around the park, actually an abandoned horse track, for several hours.  Puck had given it a go once Kurt was sure he had the basics but his balance needed work as did the ability to lean into the corner.  It was tempting to get Puck on the back but he only had one helmet and it was dangerous if Puck leant the wrong way.  The thought though, of Puck having to wrap those hands around him and press up against him was enough to make Kurt readjust himself in the leather pants several times.

Maybe next time, after he borrowed his Dad’s gear for Puck.

Via a number of off-street tracks and open drains Kurt could access his house and so he and Puck eventually walked their way back.  It showed Puck’s trust in him that he had been dropped at the park without a means to get home.

Of course as they entered through the back fence Finn was sitting by the spa, obviously trying to entice a reluctant Rachel to get in.  Finn just stared, his expression showing his problem in making sense of Kurt and a motorbike.

“Dude!” exclaimed Puck excitedly.  “You have a spa!”

“Heated even,” said Kurt, giving Rachel a smirk which she flicked her hair as a way of ignoring the comment.

“Kurt,” Finn almost choked, looking him up and down.  “You?  A bike?”

“Yes Finn,” he smiled, resting the bike on its stand before walking past the other boy and slapping his chest with a gloved hand.  “I know it’s a very heterosexual thing to do but there you go… speaking of which, um Rachel, is getting in a spa with Finn something you really want to do, given his history?”

Kurt ignored whatever can of worms he’d opened up between the two as hands grabbed him from behind and he felt hot breath on his neck as Puck whispered into his ear.  “Want to do something completely un-heterosexual?”

His body shivered a yes.

“Downstairs now,” he whispered as one of Puck’s hands unzipped the front of his jacket and slipped inside.

Perhaps Finn watched them with disgust, maybe disapproval, hell it could have been excitement because Kurt took no notice of anything but himself and Puck.  Hands tugging at clothing, doors being barged through, locked behind them to stagger down the stairs while being attached to one another.

He’d known Puck was almost back to fighting fitness and hoped that something would happen; wearing a figure hugging leather outfit and riding a throbbing machine had done the job.

Puck was hooked and there was no turning back.

The boy in question growled as he had trouble undoing the buckles on Kurt’s boots, Kurt had not even realised they’d reached the bed and he was lying across it.  He giggled, it was unavoidable because this situation, though expected, was entirely surreal.  He, the resident school gay, well former now he’d changed schools, being ravished by the (still current in his opinion) school stud.  He flipped the buckles himself and the boots slipped off, clunking off to the side as Puck slid up his body, hands and arms roaming, touching, feeling and groping.  The jacket had gone at the door, underneath he only wore a white T and that was soon gone as Puck licked and nipped at his chest, moving up to nuzzle at his neck.  Kurt arched in pleasure, never guessing he had so many erogenous zones but figuring wherever Puck touched was instantly turned into one.  In return he had relieved Puck of his own jacket but he had refused to remove his own shirt, a dark blue fitted one that Kurt was sure he had bought him while in hospital.

He guessed that for all of Puck’s prowess and reputation he was worried about showing himself in front of Kurt.  Puck might be fit again but was far from being as bulky as he once was.


Actually, he was fairly sure he liked the slimmer Puck, more like a swimmer’s body than a meathead footballer.  Time to show Puck he wanted it all.  Clamping his legs around Puck’s waist he flipped them, taking control and looking down at his boyfriend.  Puck did not look the least surprised and if his grin meant anything he’d been waiting for Kurt to make such a move.

“I wouldn’t think that of you,” said Kurt huskily, proud of the fact he could still talk.

“Never been with a guy like this,” said Puck, just as breathlessly.  “Kind of hot knowing you can match me.”

Time to be bold.

Kurt reached down and with a flick undid Puck’s belt and slipped it free, popping the buttons he hesitated only a moment before reaching in.  He was not disappointed, seeing the tent Puck had made under his sheets last week had been one thing but to actually feel it, Kurt knew this was one of those moments, the sort you never forget.  Puck grinded into his hand and desperate for friction himself he did the same from above.  They groaned in pleasure and kissed, more deeply and enough to leave bruises.  Puck wriggled and shimmied down his jeans, leaving only his briefs on - Kurt had been initially surprised he hadn’t gone commando but the sight of Puck in only a slight bit of material with his erection straining through was totally worth it.  Puck’s hands were busy removing Kurt’s pants and once done Kurt almost blacked out as Puck took hold of him, stroking and rubbing the head of his cock.

Nothing more was said, only moans and sighs, gasps and utterances of absolute pleasure.  It was soon skin on skin, neither of them left with a shred of clothing.  They writhed against the other, exploring with hand and mouth and Kurt was sure his head should explode from the ecstasy of not only finally being with another man but that man being Puck, someone he had come to care for a great deal.  He had touched himself enough times to recognise the building pressure, and with teeth clenched he told Puck he was close as he moaned into the other’s neck.  Puck did not slow his pace or move away, instead wrapping his fingers tightly around Kurt’s shaft so that Kurt could thrust until he came.  Crying out wordlessly he slumped down onto Puck, sighing into his chest before realising Puck had his own need.  Wanting to see it all he sat up, batting Puck’s hand away and doing for Puck what he had just done for Kurt.  It was almost entrancing as he pumped the other boy, watching Puck’s face screw up in intense pleasure and puff out his breaths as he came, covering Kurt’s hand in the hot white liquid.

Kurt laughed, Puck joined him and suddenly they were both booming away like they had just heard the funniest joke ever.  Kurt knew that for the both of them this was both something new and a release, an action that had freed up whatever had been there, contained for all these years.  Wiping his hand across Puck’s stomach he kept chuckling.

“That is probably the most filthy thing I’ve ever done, and the best.”

“No talking, sleep now,” mumbled Puck, throwing a hand across his face and trying to grab Kurt’s backside with the other.

“Um, not yet,” said Kurt, bounding off Puck and racing to the bathroom.  Cleaning himself down he returned to find Puck well and truly out; after the day they’d had he must be exhausted thought Kurt.  He gave Puck a quick wash down, not wanting him to wake up covered in a sticky dry mess.  Puck had obviously been back to working out, his muscles were re-emerging and as Kurt had predicted the thin frame Puck had been reduced to made him now more sleek than bulky.  He decided they would have a chat about body image later.  Although his father and Carol weren’t home Kurt also slipped some spare boxers on Puck, better not to risk it just in case his father came home early and checked on them.  It was only early afternoon and Burt was not due back until after dinner but you never knew.  The door may be locked but Burt had a key and was not afraid to use it, Kurt had found that out in some very embarrassing ways.  With his own jockey-shorts on Kurt snuggled up to his boyfriend, pulling the sheet over them and letting Puck’s steady breathing lull him to sleep too.


Puck slept fitfully, only waking once to see the room he was in and a warm body wrapped around him.  Smiling he fell back to dreams and thoughts of how awesome the two of them were together.

As he felt the late afternoon sunlight heating the sheet over him Puck blinked open one eye, closed it then shot up as he made out what seemed to be a very big and menacing figure at the end of the bed.


Oh shit!  Kurt’s Dad.  Puck felt his stomach almost lurch up through his chest and he clutched the sheet to him like it could protect him.

By the look on Burt Hummel’s face it was going to take nothing less than a miracle to save him.


next chapter

story: always shout fire, fandom: glee, pairing: kurt/puck

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