Blood Duet - a Glee fanfic, chapter 7

Aug 29, 2010 20:57

Title: Blood Duet

Author: AshtakRa

Fandom: Glee

Pairing: Kurt/Puck
Word count: approx 2550

Warnings: Supernatural themes and set in season 2, language and some mild violence

Summary: Kurt is the undead, Puck becomes his companion and finds it may just be what he was looking for all along.

Previous chapters: ( Chapter 1 ) ( Chapter 2 ) ( Chapter 3 ) ( Chapter 4 ) ( Chapter 5 ) ( Chapter 6 )

“Hummel,” Puck growled in his ear and Kurt almost giggled like a six year old.  He couldn’t believe Puck was having this effect on him.  At least he wasn’t vamping up - that small bit of information was still on the agenda but what time was good to tell your brand new boyfriend you were Nosferatu?

Chapter Seven

One last check in the mirror and Puck smiled at the face staring back at him.  He’d called Finn earlier and agreed to a weekend X-box contest, along with beer and pizza.  He could tell their friendship was back and even better any lingering feelings were just that - Puck had moved on.

His second call had been to Quinn.  He’d told her his plan to bag Hummel, okay so he had to say it nicer or she refused to discuss it but there had been no surprise in her voice.  She would not admit to either guessing or knowing or suspecting but it was probably a mixture of the three.

Finally he’d called a few guys on the team, ensuring that whatever had gone down in the locker room was going to remain on the down low - not about him and Hummel but the fight.  No-one had heard from Karofsky but by the comments nobody cared and Matt told him that between himself and Mike they had canvassed the entire team and there’d be no more problems - Puck was free to do as he pleased and Hummel would be left alone.

Puck knew it was unlikely there would be no problems but it was a good start.

He rubbed his head and resisted giving it a quick shave, perhaps he should try growing it out?

His final call had been to his aunt.  The conversation had been short but when she asked if he was happier with himself his ‘yes’ had been instant and without a hint of a lie.  Yes, he smiled at himself again, it was time to be that better and happier person everyone seemed to have known was there except himself.

Locking the door Puck shuffled to his truck going through his plan once more to win Humm - Kurt, step one was to call him Kurt, not Hummel (Quinn had strongly advised that nugget of wisdom).

“Morning hot stuff.”

Puck froze before turning around, all plans crumbling as he stared at Kurt Hummel leaning against his own shiny black truck grinning at Puck behind a pair of mirrored aviation sunglasses, his legs jutting out in a provocative pose.

“Could I offer you a lift... maybe breakfast.”

“I...” Puck laughed and shook his head as he moved to press Kurt up against the door.  He noticed that Kurt was wearing low-riding acid wash jeans, over doc martins and topped with a simple tight red t-shirt with geometric patterns; the shirt stretched across his sleek muscle-tone and was hitched up revealing a strip of pale flesh just beside his hip.

In other words very hot and he knew it.

“I’m not sure if I respect you yet,” Puck said throatily with a hint of a chuckle.

“Oh you will,” smiled Kurt toothily and managed to slip from Puck’s dominating position while tracing the outline of Puck’s bicep through his own undersized shirt.  He faced Puck from the other side of the hood and his face turned serious for a moment.  “About yesterday - I hope you understand that-.”

“Forget about it - we’re dudes Kurt - if you wanna talk it all out fine but not necessary.”  Puck leaned on the smooth black metal and matched Kurt’s stance.  “Although at the risk of needing pink ribbons for our pigtails... I like you, and you like me - so let’s just be together okay.”

Kurt quite obviously breathed a sigh of relief.  “Thank Gucci - I was worried I might have you pining by a window for three months.”


“But right now,” Kurt continued.  “I need a caffeine hit like a crack whore needs her fix.”

“Fuck me Kurt - listen to the mouth on her.”

Only Kurt’s high laugh answered him before he was directed into the passenger seat.

“Lush,” commented Puck at the black leather interior.

Kurt jumped behind the wheel and checked his hair in the mirror before leaning over and giving Puck a feather-light kiss on his cheek.  “Thought you’d like it - and just so you know.”  He pulled the vehicle out of the drive and motored off, his free hand drifting down to Puck’s leg.  “Its properly scotch-guarded for unfortunate... spillages.”

Puck gulped and grinned, his leer reasserting itself after only a moment’s hesitation.  Plan ‘win over Kurt’ was out the window - Plan B, ‘ensure Kurt was screaming his name before the day was out’ initiated.


It was a good day to be... alive [undead] thought Kurt as he put on his costume.  He and Puck were about to perform their piece for the Glee club - they had even decided to do it in the auditorium with the lights and accompanying band.  Live music was so much better and could adapt if the performance changed in any way - which given their rehearsals was quite possible.

The red leather pants slipped on easily enough although were quite snug around his gluts - he must have bulked up a little since he’d bought them last year.  Not surprising really - he wouldn’t age but could build body mass like any normal human, and he had been exerting himself a lot lately.  Spinning around he let himself admire his own backside in the change-room mirror.  “Hummel,” he muttered to himself.  “You are becoming quite the slut.”  The outfit’s only other piece was a sleeveless matching red leather jacket - tight enough to cause injury as if that were a danger.  He had kept on the arm bandage, the wound was long gone but people knew he had needed stitches at the very least.

“Huh,” spoke a voice filled with lust from the doorway.  “Thought you didn’t like being called by your last name?”

Kurt didn’t turn but waited for Puck to walk up behind him and place those surprisingly tender paws on his waist.  They had refrained from any under-the-clothes stuff all day but it was becoming increasingly difficult to resist.

“Its growing on me, at least when spoken by a select few.”

“Hummel,” Puck growled in his ear and Kurt almost giggled like a six year old.  He couldn’t believe Puck was having this effect on him.  At least he wasn’t vamping up - that small bit of information was still on the agenda but what time was good to tell your brand new boyfriend you were Nosferatu?

Turning around Kurt gave Puck the once over and was suitably impressed.  Puck looked hot at the best of times but the black leather pants, studded belt and loose-fit glitter shirt (also black but with an obsidian sheen) would have taken his breath away if he could lose it.

“You ready?”

“I’m Puck.”

“You know,” said Kurt softly, ignoring the fact that using your own name was not an appropriate answer.  “I can’t promise to keep my hands to myself during our routine.”  To prove it he ran a finger along the line of chest revealed by the top three places on Puck’s shirt being undone.

“Well,” chuckled Puck, holding Kurt’s hand in his own and hesitating for just a moment.  “What kind of a performance would it be if you did?”

He didn’t wait for an answer before strutting from the room and Kurt childishly poked out his tongue.  It was good to feel somewhat human for just a moment.


The music started and almost immediately the whole club went silent - they had expected many things from a Kurt and Puck performance but the subtle strings and seductive strumming of guitar was not something any of them had considered.  From the very first line of backing music it was obvious this was going to be a sexy pop piece.

Kurt maybe but Puck?

And Puck with Kurt doing that kind of song?

They were spellbound from the first few notes.

Before the singing started Puck strutted on to the stage, Kurt doing the same from the opposite side - their black and red contrast a brilliant juxtaposition of the boys themselves.

“Our brief was to sing about our holidays but Kurt and I decided a little something else was in order - its not about what we’ve done but what we are here to do.”

Puck smirked and adjusted the fedora hat he was wearing as he saw through the lights several mouths hanging open at the sight of him and Kurt in tight leather pants - damn right they should be impressed!

“As the saying goes, we’re here for a good time, not a long time,” Kurt projected from the other side.  “So sit there and enjoy this shit ‘cause in the end - we just want a little fun and that’s what New Directions should be about.”

He grinned as several shocked gasps let fly at his language and casual sway.

Then they started singing.


Me no bubbletious


Me smoke heavy tar


Me be groovin' slowly where you are


Notify your next of kin
'Cause you're never coming back


I've been dropping beats since Back in Black

They walked in close to sing together; the audience were already whistling and gasping in equal amounts

Kurt & Puck:

And we'll paint by numbers
'Til something sticks
Don't mind doing it for the kids
(So come on) jump on board
Take a ride (yeah)
(You'll be doin' it all right)
Jump on board feel the high
'Cause the kids are alright

You've got a reputation

That elicited at least three of the female audience members to crack out laughs


Well I guess that can be explored


You're dancing with the chairman of the board


Take a ride on my twelve cylinder symphony
But if you got other plans

Kurt turned and rubbed his hindquarters up and down Puck’s front - getting a string of whistles from some of the male and all female Glee clubbers.


The purpose of a woman is to love her man

Puck gripped Kurt around his waist, keeping the friction going and Kurt had to fight to stay his voice from breaking.

Kurt & Puck:

And we'll paint by numbers
'Til something sticks
Don't mind doing it for the kids
(So come on) jump on board
Take a ride (yeah)
(Doin' it all right)
Jump on board feel the high
'Cause the kids are alright

Puck released Kurt who jumped forward and spun so they could sing nose to nose.


I'm gonna give it all of my loving
It's gonna take up all of my love
I'm gonna give it all of my loving
It's gonna take up all of my love

Kurt & Puck:

I'm gonna give it all of my loving
It's gonna take up all of my love
I'm gonna give it all of my loving
It's gonna take up all of my love


Come down from the ceiling


I didn't mean to get so high


I couldn't do what I wanted to do
When my lips were dry

For good measure Kurt allowed his tongue to swirl up and around his glossed lips as he walked away from Puck wriggling his backside and he heard more than one of his audience squeal in delighted shock.


You can't just up and leave me
I'm a singer in a band

Pausing for effect Kurt sneered and let his gaze fall on the target of his next line.


Well I like drummers baby
You're not my bag

Finn winced but laughed along with the others.  Matt jostled him from behind while Quinn just pointed at him and squealed.

Kurt & Puck

Jump on board
Take a ride, yeah
(You'll be doin' it all right)
Jump on board feel the high, yeah

Jump on board
Take a ride, yeah
(You'll be doin' it all right)
Jump on board feel the high, yeah

Jump on board
Take a ride, yeah
(You'll be doin' it all right)
Jump on board feel the high, yeah

'Cause the kids are alright

Kneeling at the front of the stage Puck spread his arms and started the rap that ended the song while Kurt stood on one heel looking at him with disdain.


I'm an honorary Sean Connery, born '94
There's only one of me
Single-handedly raising the economy
Ain't no chance of the record company dropping me
Press be asking do I care for sodomy
I don't know, yeah, probably
I've been looking for serial Homo-gamy
Not some bird that looks like Sue Silvester
But for now I'm down for ornithology
Grab your binoculars, come follow me

On the last word the lights cut, with the music - and in the darkness only the rapturous applause of the audience could be heard with whistles and lots of ‘go boy’ screamed by more than just Mercedes.

When the lights came back up Kurt and Puck were locked in a tight embrace and fighting for dominance in a fierce and deep kiss; this did not lessen the hollering and only Mr Shue’s desperate signal to the AV guys to once more cut the lights finally ended the performance.


A quick stop at home was all Kurt allowed himself to change and grab a ‘health shake’ - he figured he would need all his strength for the night to come.  Puck had let slip that his Mom and sister were conveniently staying away for the weekend and Kurt fully intended to not leave until Monday morning.

Dressed in his Leopard gear he hoped it would work out that way.  Surely Puck would forgive him being the Leopard, and a vampire - after all he had accepted ‘Damon’, someone he didn’t know, as a vampire and possible lover.  He knew Kurt and maybe hopefully loved him - what difference a little undeath?

Tempting as it was to wait until after sex to tell him Kurt figured he would very likely vamp up during the act - and that would be awkward, better to talk first then hot passionate sex... and maybe some blood sucking.

He was after all a young gay teenage vampire.

He ran at normal speed up the few steps and to Puck’s front door, going to knock he saw the door already ajar.

If his blood did not already run cold it would have as he sensed trouble on the other side; Kurt pulled his hood up and in a flash slipped his gloves on - better to take no risks.  He tried to peer through the crack but could see nothing beyond the first few floor tiles.

He must have made a sound because the door suddenly swung open and he instantly recognised one of the drug dealers from last night - a big smile on his ugly face as he cradled a sawn-off shotgun.

“At last,” he sneered.  “The guest of honour - have you met our other invitee?”

He gestured inside and Kurt growled as he saw two others standing over Puck, bound and gagged in a chair - they each had a gun held casually at Puck’s head.

“I’d invite you in,” said the drug dealer happily.  “But we both know only one person here can do that.”

Shit!  Kurt swore a cacophony of phrases in his head.

They knew he was a vampire.

Worse they knew his weakness and somehow...

Knew he had never been invited inside Puck’s house.

He could not save Noah.


Featured song: ‘Kids’ by Kylie Minogue feat. Robbie Williams.

next and final chapter

story: blood duet, fandom: glee, pairing: kurt/puck

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