Tread the Precipice - chapter 5

Feb 19, 2009 12:00

Title: Tread the Precipice
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Boys being boys, some burning
Summary: Merlin took Arthur’s place as a victim of the assassin’s bolt. Fate is fickle however and what does this mean for the one destined to be the once and future King? Sequel to Gaze on Oblivion.
Disclaimer: The Arthurian Legend belongs to the people of the world; the interpretation of characters borrowed for this story belong to the television series 'Merlin'.
Previous: ( Chapter 1 )( Chapter 2 ) ( Chapter 3 )( Chapter 4 )

Chapter 5

Merlin went to kiss Arthur again but the prince held him back and shook his head.

“Don’t start what we don’t have time to finish, besides you’re hardly up for-.”

“You’d be surprised what I can do,” smiled Merlin, his eyes flashing gold.

Arthur stared at him and shook his head again, this time more at himself. “How is it that I never noticed?”

“Self-obsessed probably.”


“Its what I do.”

“We have to get you out of here,” said Arthur growing serious.

Shrugging on a shirt Merlin winced only slightly and marvelled that he could move at all. He was lucky to be alive let alone able to move. He’d like to think that Gaius was just that good but something else was going on if he could heal this fast. Speaking of things going on.

“We also have to talk about what you did - sorcery in the royal household will not be easy to hide.”

Arthur was rifling through some of Gaius’ bottles, for what Merlin had no idea. “You know better than most I guess.” There was recrimination in his voice.

“Arthur… I should have told you long ago - there was just never a good time.”

Hands closed on his shoulders and he was facing Arthur’s eyes again. “Communication’s not our strong point Merlin, I’ve wanted to kiss you since we met but never had the courage.”

He really knew he shouldn’t but Merlin snorted. “I’m sorry, did Prince Arthur just admit to being afraid of something.”

“Your injuries have addled your brain, I said no such thing.”

“Prove it, kiss me again.”

He did, stronger and longer this time and it left Merlin a little light headed. So much so that he only came back to reality when Arthur was holding up a vial full of something that looked like blood.

“My father will come to check on things himself - and he will not fall for you hiding under a sheet.”

“What do you suggest then my prince,” said Merlin with a grin.

Holding back a laugh Arthur shrugged. “That depends, just how good a sorcerer are you Merlin?”

Gaius’ Chambers, Camelot

Arthur was once again covered in blood and looked at Uther with tears in his eyes. “He thought it was me on the table, and got in a deep cut before being stopped… Merlin died in my arms father, saving my life yet again.” He hid his face, not daring to look at Uther in the eyes, afraid his father would spot the lie.

“And the assassin?” Uther spoke as he turned away from his grieving son.

Sir Bedivere stepped forward. “Alive sire, he has been taken to the dungeons for questioning.” Out of the King’s vision the knight looked to Arthur who nodded slightly and Sir Bedivere left the room with a distinct limp, his red cloak billowing in the draft.

Uther looked back at Arthur questioningly. Arthur understood. “Bedivere would never boast sire but he was the one who caught the assassin, it was not without injury I’m afraid.”

As they now the only ones left Uther sighed and walked over to his son, placing a hand on his shoulder. Arthur was still standing by the table with a hand on the blood soaked sheet covering the prone body.

“Arthur, please believe that I take no pleasure in your servant’s death.”

“He was more than my servant father, Merlin was my friend,” said Arthur quickly.

“I am sure it felt that way… but as prince many will pretend to be a friend - when really it is treachery they plan. Your manservant was hiding his magic from you, would a friend do such a thing?”

“He would if knowing brought me to conflict with my own father.”

Uther took a step back. “Arthur, you know the law - no matter the boy’s intentions he was deceiving you to save only himself.”

Arthur breathed slowly and brought up his bloodied hand. “It would seem he failed.”

Uther shook his head and said nothing, instead he pulled the sheet back and stared at Merlin’s face. Pulling the cloth down further revealed a chest half covered in Gaius’ bandages for the original wound and a neat open cut near his heart. “Say your goodbyes son, the body will be burnt immediately.”

Arthur blanched. “Father! Merlin deserves better than that; he should be taken back to his mother-.”

“No!” thundered Uther. “You don’t know sorcerers like I do, they are only safe when turned to ash.”

Arthur swallowed and looked from Merlin to Uther. “You would have executed him anyway, wouldn’t you?”

“It doesn’t matter now,” Uther said softly.

“Answer me,” demanded Arthur.

Uther’s face grew dark. “Don’t forget to whom you speak.”

“Of that you need not fear,” spat Arthur.

“Clean yourself up and act like a prince of Camelot,” ordered Uther as he marched to the door. “I did not raise a son who acts like a spoiled brat and throws a tantrum because he lost a playmate - accept his death and move on.”

“He had a name father, and you have not said it once.”

Uther sneered. “A name that will be long forgotten when ours will endure.”

By the North Gate, Camelot

The guard nodded at Sir Bedivere as the knight walked towards the gate. It was unusual that he was on foot but then questioning a noble without good cause would earn a quick trip to the stocks.   Especially when said knight was limping and probably in poor spirits.

Watching the knight exit and disappear into the darkness the guard jumped when a minute later he heard horses approaching and made way for yet more knights. Half-a-dozen of them and all wore the red of Camelot, more specifically the dragon crest with sword and cudgel that designated them cohorts of Prince Arthur. The guard bowed his head respectfully but kept an eye on them. It was a little strange that given the recent events, of which no-one could provide a clear story, that the knights would be leaving without their prince.

Still, he was here to question people entering and prevent an assassin leaving - not hold up the higher echelons of Camelot society. His respectful demeanour almost cracked when for a second he thought he saw a familiar figure amongst their number…

Sir Bedivere.

Once they had passed the guard nodded at his partner and moved off. He needed to speak with a superior immediately, if he was wrong he would be rebuffed and possibly sent to the stocks - but if he was right and said nothing? If that happened the stocks would be a welcome alternative.

The Great Court, Camelot

Uther watched the pyre catch alight and looked sideways at his son. Arthur had indeed cleaned himself up and stood wearing his proper court regalia, red jacket with dragon pendent and black breeches. The prince’s crown sat on his head above an impassive face.

Nodding to himself Uther regretted being hard on his son, but knew it necessary. How many so called friends had he sent to the fire? Too many, especially in the first few months of the purge and countless more since.   Terrible but necessary, such was the lot of being king.

The body, wrapped in a white sheet was thrown on the burning stack and quickly caught alight. Uther had accompanied the body himself, a niggling thought at the back of his mind told him to beware of treachery. Only once the fire enveloped the white bundle did he allow himself to breath.

It was over.

Arthur would hate him for awhile and there would be troublesome talk of easing the magic laws - but it would all die down soon enough and life would return to some semblance of normality.

It wouldn’t hurt to at least show Arthur some empathy though. Uther moved over to his son and put an arm around his shoulders - in the harsh light of the fire it was hard to see Arthur’s face but it seemed like a smile had graced his features. Perhaps, thought Uther, forgiveness would not be too long in coming.

“Arthur I - .” He stopped himself as a gust of smoke blew their way and entered his nostrils. Uther had been present at enough burnings to know the distinct tang of burning human flesh - and had hosted enough banquets to know roasting pig.

His fist curled in Arthur’s jacket and his lips curled in anger but Uther resisted saying anything - now was not the time, not in front of the court. Arthur looked to him and saw his expression and whatever smile of victory Arthur had been wearing faded away as he realised Uther knew.

Uther let a cold smile grace his own face as Arthur’s grew more uncomfortable.

It seems the treachery was closer than he had thought.

One Mile from North Gate, outside Camelot

Merlin let the glammer fade and slumped down to the ground. Walking this far had drained him and if the dampness on his shirt meant anything, re-opened some of Gaius’ stitches. He pulled the red cloak close to try and keep out the cold evening air and risked a look back at the city. From here it was just a few sparkling lights in the upper battlements, the rest seemed in mourning although Merlin could not guess what for.

Their prince was alive and the evil sorcerer dead. He chuckled at the thought of that. Him an evil sorcerer? Merlin had enough trouble picturing himself as a sorcerer, let alone evil. Sure he had magic and had managed a few, admittedly awesome, spells but being evil would be too hard. All that planning and plotting, and he had never managed the cackling laughter - he had tried but failed miserbly.

As a particularly icy wind buffeted him he considered lighting a fire but the energy needed to gather wood and then light it - maybe he should lie down and sleep a little first. They had little time to organise this before Uther had arrived, as Arthur guessed he would. Although never having actually tried a glammer, let alone two and one at a great distance the desperate need seemed to have spurred his powers, as it usually did.

The concern for Merlin had been if he still could use magic, since at first it seemed Arthur may have stolen it. Steal might not be accurate but something had happened when they switched places; Arthur could conjure magic and Merlin could hold an assassin at bay with one arm and a chest wound - both of these things impossible before the ‘great body swap’ as Merlin was now referring to it inside his head.

There had also been no time for he and Arthur to discuss it, except for some puzzled glances and that was when they weren’t groping each other. Smiling at the memory Merlin hoped they would not be separated for too long. They’d started something that definitely needed finishing.

Galloping horses interrupted his thoughts and he looked up to see half-a-dozen dark figures come to a stop above him. One dismounted immediately and strode to Merlin, seeing it was Bedivere Merlin went to return the cloak but the knight stayed his hand and instead brought out another thicker one and threw it around Merlin’s shoulders.

“Easy Merlin, we’ll take it from here.” Bedivere patted his shoulder and turned to the other knights. “Build a fire, we have a long ride and it is a cold evening - we have an hour, maybe more if they fall for the false tracks we just left.”

In a very short time a small bundle of wood was ready as they formed a semi-circle around it. It must have rained earlier for Gallfoy had trouble getting a spark to catch. Merlin sighed and raised his hand - its not as if anyone here did not now know he had magic, he clicked his fingers and the wood burst into flames.

Gallfoy cursed and jumped back, turning to glare at Merlin who stopped smirking, worried that maybe he had misjudged Arthur’s knights as they all put their hands to swords. Sure they had agreed to escort Merlin to safety but he’d never inquired as to their exact loyalties where magic was concerned.

“I’m sorry,” Merlin muttered. “I just thought, I mean it seemed you needed a little help and I knew I could…” His voice trailed off as six sets of eyes stared blankly at him.

Before one bark of laughter shot out and then they were all smiling and laughing, except for Merlin who scowled even more.

“You know,” he said loudly. “I could turn you all into toads.”

That just made them laugh louder and Gallfoy, who had sat next to him nudged Merlin lightly. “For some of us that would be an improvement my Lor- Merlin,” he corrected himself but did not seem to notice his mistake.

Merlin grinned to show his gratitude at their good humour but inside his thoughts were turning yet again. Before yesterday the knights were friendly to him, but only as much as nobility to servant could be. Perhaps as Arthur’s manservant he did receive a little more, not respect exactly, but tolerance. Now it was as if they had embraced him as one of their own, even elevated him.

It couldn’t just be the magic, these men had been brought up to fear and hate such things. A nasty possibility began to worm its way into his head and Merlin stopped smiling. If what he was considering were even partly true then Arthur was not as safe in Camelot as they had thought.

Arthur had magic and Merlin had the protection of Camelot’s knights.

The world was turning upside down.


AshtakRa Masterfile

pairing: merlin/arthur, fandom: merlin, 'oblivion' series, story: tread the precipice

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